Is this a reversion to the parent? I see no stripes.
I am not entirely sure myself to be honest. I THINK it is Vick's Caprice. I bought the plant as Vick's Caprice when it was in flower, and it was the same as all the other plants that were with it, so I never suspected anything. I bought this rose when I was only just getting into collecting old roses, and so I didn't know anything about it at the time - I just knew I liked the look of it and the scent! It was only later that I learnt of the reversion happening quite frequently. When I looked closely at the flowers there did seem to be some very faint variation in colour, althought only subtley, but I would have said in a more "shaded" rather than striped way. I don't have the plant anymore, so unfortunately I can't check next year, however I did see the others that were for sale again this summer, and they did look the same. The only thing I can think is that because they were positioned under a silver birch (not the best place) when for sale, maybe they were of darker colour but less striped because of the lack of direct sunlight? The photo was taken in June 2015, the day after purchase. All in all, I'm not sure. I've never seen Archiduchesse Elizabeth d'Autriche in the flesh. Hope this helps. thebig-bear
I've just looked at the other picture. There is a very faint stripe on the lower left part of the flower, but only a tiny bit. What I saw myself on the day doesn't show up quite the same in the photo, and all the flowers balled in the autumn so I never got any further pictures, and then it died! Great........