'Careless Love' rose References
Book (2002) Page(s) 30. Rated 5.2
Book (2000) Page(s) 145. ‘Careless Love’ = Hybride de Thé… vigoureux rosier à l’abondant feuillage ample et coriace… grandes fleurs élégantes, au parfum puissant déploient sans hâte leurs 24 pétales rose intense, griffés et mouchetés de blanc. Bien remontant et résistant aux maladies… Conklin, US, 1955.
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 108. Includes photo(s). Careless Love Large-flowered. Introduced by Golden State Nurseries in California in 1955. Sport from 'Red Radiance'. Description... deep cerise-pink, splashed and striped with white...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 76. Careless Love Hybrid Tea, deep pink, streaked (striped) and splashed white, 1955, 'Red Radiance' sport; Conklin.
Book (1993) Page(s) 194. Includes photo(s). Hybrid Tea. Conklin 1955. A striped sport of 'Red Radiance'. Height: 120 cm (4 ft.) Good scent.
Website/Catalog (1964) Page(s) 5. General List. Careless Love HT. Unique blooms of pink and white. Strong grower. Double. Fragrant.
Book (1959) Page(s) 13. Harry H. Hazlewood. Some New Roses for 1959. Careless Love HT. (Conklin 1955) A somewhat harsh pink seedling Irom 'Red Radiance' with the same shape, but with long and short white stripes which give it an unusual appearance.
Book (1958) Page(s) 48. Careless Love. HT. (Conklin; int. Golden State Nurs. '55) 'Red Radiance' sport. Bud globular; fl. medium size (3 - 3 1/2 in.), dbl. (25-30 petals), cupped, fragrant, red, streaked and splashed white. Fol. dark, glossy. Very vig., upright; abundant bloom. (28). Pl. Pat. 1582