Website/Catalog (30 Jun 2021) Includes photo(s).
Tres noves varietats de roses creades per Matilde Ferrer
La primera d’elles ’Clotilde de Sorolla’ vol ser un homenatge a Clotilde García del Castillo (1865-1929), esposa del pintor Joaquín Sorolla i fundadora del Museu Sorolla. Va ser presentada i plantada als jardins del museu creat amb ell seu llegat a Madrid. Sorolla, anomenat el pintor de la llum, era un gran aficionat a la jardineria i a les flors. Va deixar un reguitzell d’obres seves amb roses, jardins i flors. El roser, és un floribunda tipus paisatgístic amb roses grans i molt plenes, de 26 a 40 pètals, de color té, perfumada i de floració abundant i continuada. Té el fullatge dens i verd clar brillant, amb un creixement compacte d’uns 70 cm d’alçada i és resistent a les malalties. És fruit del creuament entre les roses ‘2002 MO’, floribunda francesa, de color vermell, i la rosa ‘Queen Nefertiti’, rosa anglesa de color groc clar albercoc.
Three new rose varieties created by Matilda Ferrer.
The first of them 'Clotilde de Sorolla' is intended to be a tribute to Clotilde García del Castillo (1865-1929), wife of the painter Joaquín Sorolla and founder of the Sorolla Museum. It was presented and planted in the gardens of the museum created with him as his legacy in Madrid. Sorolla, called the painter of light, was a great fan of gardening and flowers. He left a string of his works with roses, gardens and flowers. The rose is a landscape-type floribunda with large and very full roses, from 26 to 40 petals, tea-coloured, scented and with abundant and continuous flowering. It has dense, glossy light green foliage, with a compact growth of about 70 cm in height and is resistant to diseases. It is the result of the cross between the roses '2002 MO', a French floribunda, red in color, and the rose 'Queen Nefertiti', an English rose with a light apricot yellow color.