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'RUIa06671' rose Description

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Commercially available
Bred by Henk C. A. De Groot (Netherlands, 2000).
Introduced in Netherlands by De Ruiter's Nieuwe Rozen B.V. in 2003.
Florists Rose, Hybrid Tea.  
Yellow, light yellow reverse.  Medium to large, double (17-25 petals) bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  
Upright.  Medium, dark green foliage.  
Australia - Patent No: AU3386P  on  5 Sep 2007
Application No: 2005/122  on  5 May 2005   VIEW PBR PATENT
‘Ruia06671’ was a seedling from the controlled pollination of an unnamed seedling (seed parent) and ‘Koranul’ (pollen parent) in May 2000. The seed parent was characterised by its brownish yellow flowers, pointed flower buds and weak stems. ...Breeder: All work was carried out by or under the supervision of Mr H.C.A de Groot, Director of De Ruiters Nieuwe Rozen B.V, De Kwakel, The Netherlands.
First sold in The Netherlands in Oct 2003.
European Union - Patent  on  2003
New Zealand - Patent  on  2005