'Showpiece Lipstick' rose Reviews & Comments
I believe NOA16079 should be merged with NOA16071 Showpiece Lipstick. The New Zealand Plant Variety Rights grant number 34868 says a commercial synonym for NOA16079 is Showpiece Lipstick. Double checking before a merge.
#1 of 7 posted
19 JUN 22 by
Noa16071 and Noa16079 are distinct varietal names, and should not be merged. The only reason can be that Noack introduced a different rose as 'Showpiece Lipstick' in NZ, or that the synonym 'Showpiece Lipstick' is incorrect for Noa16071. The latter needs checking.
Perhaps member Plazbo can help further, see his comment in 'NOA1112130‘
#3 of 7 posted
19 JUN 22 by
Australia PBR has NOA16079 as Showpiece Lipstick
noack has Noa16071 as Charisma noack-rosen.de/produkt/charisma/
if we go to the tesselaar marketing photos for the showpiece line
specifically www.flickr.com/photos/tesselaar/50993818772/in/album-72157718483636093/
and do a reverse image search
we find that same image being used in europe for Crazy Pink Voluptia eg www.roseraiebarth.com/fr/rosiers-a-grandes-fleurs/rosier-crazy-pink-voluptia-noa16071.html
different picture showpiece lipstick picture (from the tessellar link above) on the german adr website www.adr-rose.de/adr-rosen/rose/charismar/
So either someone sent out Noa16071 photos for NOA16079 or NOA16079 is a typo or something. For whatever reason, the marketing photos are the same for both if they aren't the same rose.
#4 of 7 posted
19 JUN 22 by
Having said that (and because I don't want to edit the previous comment and get escaped html characters, so new comment)
The photo in the Australian PBR for NOA16079 (despite being listed as showpiece lipstick) doesn't look like the pictures on the tessellar site (or what people have posted as showpiece lipstick in australia rose facebook groups)...which is weird in itself. Maybe, Flower Carpet Pty Ltd (as the agent) did a goof and no ones noticed? The pbr photo looks more like showpiece blush, looking at the usa patent picture for showpiece blush show the darker petal base that's obvious on the australia pbr photo
the photo for blush on the australia pbr doesn't look like blush (pigment is too deep).... pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/pbr_db/plant_detail.cfm?AID=39362376
something goofy going on
#5 of 7 posted
19 JUN 22 by
What is clear is that if there are two different varietal names, these are distinct roses: So Noa16071 is not Noa16079, even though they may be similar or sister seedlings (very close numbers). Noa16071 is clearly Charisma, syn. Crazy Pink Voluptia. According to the Australian PBR Noa16079 is Showpiece Lipstick. Photo confusion on nursery websites are not proof enough.
#6 of 7 posted
19 JUN 22 by
Even in the USA patent for NOA16079 uses the same images as is used for Charisma (NOA16071)....interesting paperwork either way since either the USA patent is using images for the wrong rose or the pictures used for Charisma (for german adr and such) aren't pictures of Charisma.
Honestly wouldn't be the first time. Poulsen made some booboos in the 1990s.
They clear because there are so few patent examiners for plants, and roses are considered niche.
I've been growing this for for 6 months from an already growing plant.
So far, I would consider this a larger flowered floribunda. However, it is quite healthy. All foliage is intact. It is probably a decent "HT-like" rose for huge pots, which might be a draw for some.
Being released by Monrovia (USA) 2024 as Eau de Parfum Bling PPAF.
#1 of 1 posted
2 JAN 24 by
Thank you, synonyms added!