'Waverley' rose References
Book (1958) Page(s) 421. Waverley. F. (Norman.) Large (3½ in.), dbl. (22 petals), slightly fragrant, crimson-scarlet; truss. Fol. glossy, dark. Vig., bushy, compact; abundant bloom.
Magazine (Mar 1949) Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 15. Vous trouverez, ci-après, une première liste de noms pour lesquels nous avons donné accord à la N.R.S. ... No Reg.: 56, Name: Waverley, Raised By: R. Harkness & Co., Registered By: A. Norman, Date: (28.10.48)
Translation: You will find below a first list of names for which we have agreed with the National Rose Society....
Book (1949) Page(s) xI. C. H. Isaac advertisement. New roses on trial. Messrs R, Harkness have kindly sent me a number of their most promising new seedling roses to try out.... Waverley Crimson scarlet Hybrid Poly. First Class Trial Ground Certificate.