Book (2006) Page(s) 153. Includes photo(s). Although we were never able to carry out a specific hybridising programme, we were successful with a few seedlings, some by chance and some by intent. ....Angela (see photograph facing page) is a lovely apricot seedling from Graham Thomas, named after a young teenager who lost her life in a car accident.
Book (2000) Page(s) 229. Includes photo(s). Angela Raised by Griffiths. Parentage Seedling x Graham Thomas. Introduced 1988. Type shrub. Size 2m. An exceedingly pretty rose of typical English rose character, which bears a stromg resemblance to 'Graham Thomas'. It has medium to large blooms which are cupped at first, become quartered and open out to reflexed flowers of apricot pink and lemon with a strong fragrance. This rose was named after a young lady who lost her life in a car accident.