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"Prospect Hill Red China" rose Photos
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Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
Leaves are small with slender, pointed leaflets and reasonably prominent serrations. There are small sharp prickles along the rachis. Perth, Western Australia, Spring.
Uploaded 22 OCT 17
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
The bush is twiggy, compact, ever-blooming. Blooms are short lived but rebloom is rapid, so it always seems to be in bloom. Prickles are rare on stems. This nine-year old own-root plant has formed a rounded bush approx 3' (900mm) high and wide. It gets very little care, apart from a reliable water supply. I love it for the way its blooms light up the garden, even in winter here. Perth, Western Australia, Spring.
Uploaded 22 OCT 17
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
Although prickles are rare on the stems, there are small, sharp prickles on the rachis (leaf-stems). Leaflets are typical of red Chinas - small and slender with moderately prominent serrations. Perth, Western Australia, Spring.
Uploaded 22 OCT 17
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
Receptacles are usually a goblet shape – a slightly incurved cup, and pedicels have many stalked glands and small prickles. Sepals quickly reflex back along pedicel. Blooms are a fleeting, shallow cup, leaflets are noticeably serrated. Perth, Western Australia, Spring.
Uploaded 22 OCT 17
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
The buds have glandular sepals, smooth receptacles and glandular, prickly pedicels. Leaflets are small, slender and serrated. Hips are rounded. Prickles are rare, except on the backs of the leaves. Perth, Western Australia, Spring.
Uploaded 22 OCT 17
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
Receptacles are usually a goblet shape – a slightly incurved cup, and pedicels have many stalked glands and small prickles. Perth, Western Australia, Spring.
Uploaded 22 OCT 17
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
Many small round hips form, orange at first, ageing to dark red. Perth, Western Australia, Spring.
Uploaded 22 OCT 17
Rose photo courtesy of billy teabag
Blooms can be solitary or clustered. A typical cluster with three buds coming from one node and another just below. Sepals reflex fully and tend to drop as the hip forms. Perth, Western Australia, Spring.
Uploaded 22 OCT 17
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