'Frank Thorpe' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 705. Thorpe, frank (HT) H. Dickson 1910; ?
Magazine (17 Sep 1910) Page(s) 461. New Roses of the Year. There are some eighty Roses that may be termed novelties of the year, all of which deserve a notice; but perhaps it will be best to take the varieties first that have received awards of some kind during the current year... The following six varieties obtained the silver-gilt medal of the National Rose Society this year: Frank Thorpe (Hybrid Tea, H. Dickson). — I should not be surprised if this Rose does not supersede J. B. Clark. It is of much the same shade of colour, and I am told its growth is not so tall, a very welcome feature. Its form is conical and the petals are beautifully reflexed.