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'Senator McNaughton' rose References
Book  (1923)  Page(s) 447.  
SENATOR MCNAUGHTON. Tea. (Eichling 1901).

NB: The American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature indicates accepted names with capital letters; the use of any names given in italics is discouraged.
Website/Catalog  (1910)  Page(s) 53.  
Standard List of Everblooming Tea Roses
Senator McNaughton. A grand white Rose; offspring of Perle des Jardins.
Booklet  (1904)  Page(s) 17.  
White Perle des Jardins, syn Senator McNaughton (1891) a sport from Perle des Jardins, which it resembles in habit; blooms creamy white.  Vig. Exh. Gdn. 
Book  (1901)  Page(s) 300.  
Free-blooming Monthly Roses for summer cutting and beds.
Senator McNaughton, Tea.
Booklet  (1899)  Page(s) 18.  
White Perle des Jardins (T)  Raiser: Senator McNaughton.  S. G.  A sport from Perle des Jardins which it resembles in growth and foliage; color excepted, which is a delicate creamy-white.  Useful for a show and garden variety. 
Magazine  (22 Feb 1894)  Page(s) 649.  
Roses, etc.
E. G. Hill & Co., Richmond, Ind., Senator McNaughton (white). The flowers exhibited were not white and this variety cannot be classed as a white rose.
Website/Catalog  (1894)  Page(s) 48.  
Senator McNaughton—A sport of Perle des Jardin, to which it is similar
in every respect excepting color; rich, glossy foliage, sturdy habit of
growth, and extremely free flowering. The flowers are very large and full,
with excellent shaped buds. Color, a delicate creamy white.
Magazine  (1894)  Page(s) 949.  
Special Offer Dating from May 7, 1894. E. G. Hill & Co., Wholesale Florists, Richmond, Indiana.
Senator McNaughton, an elegant new rose, a sport from Perle [des Jardins], cream color, very free, magnificent in size and form; no bull heads... $10.00 [per 100]
Magazine  (15 Aug 1893)  Page(s) 374.  
The World's Fair, August 1.
The roses in the little model rose house are growing finely. They include Senator McNaughton, a white form of Perle des Jardins, originating in Philadelphia...
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