'Bill Slim' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 116-117. Includes photo(s). ‘Bill Slim’/HARquito =Floribunda… parfois en solitaires, mais plus souvent en gros bouquets sur de robustes tiges dressées… corolles… large coupe ronde d’un rouge saumoné uni de tomate presque mûre… Légèrement odorantes et résistantes à la pluie… feuillage dense, vert intense et luisant, sur un buisson droit de hauteur moyenne... Harkness, UK, 1989.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 116. Includes photo(s). Bill Slim (HARquito) Floribunda. Harkness (UK) 1989. Parentage: (['Highlight' x 'Color Wonder'] x seedling) x 'Silver Jubilee'. Description... the individual blooms are large for a Cluster-flowered Rose... an even salmony red color like that of rupening tomatoes, which lightens, but keeps its tone through the life of the flower... The rose is named for Field-Marshal Slim, under whom the raiser served in Burma in World War II...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 51. Bill Slim (HARquito) Floribunda. Harkness 1987. Parentage: Seedling x 'Silver Jubilee'... salmon w/pink reverse...
Book (20 Sep 1992) BILL SLIM, F (Harkness '87 int '89) [(Highlight x Color Wonder) x {Fragrant Cloud x {Mischief x (Red Dandy x Buccaneer)}} x Silver Jubilee]. PB (pb). Rood (2 pis 2 yrs 3' ON): Outstanding medium red, almost the colour of summer tomatoes, so bright and cheery. Trusses of well formed blooms, repeats well, very fragrant. Excellent foliage, complements colour of the bloom well, no disease, winters well.
Book (1986) Page(s) 48. E. F. Allen, Awards To New Rose Seedlings In Great Britain In 1985. 'Bill Slim', HARquitto, (seedling x 'Silver Jubilee'). A Cluster Flower by Jack Harkness, with fine purple young foliage and turkey red flowers. Because of poor rain resistance I appear to have marked it at a lower level than most other judges. Certificate of Merit.