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'Schneelicht' rose References
Article (magazine)  (2006)  Page(s) 7, 9.  
p. 7: Among the roses Geschwind created with R. rugosa were Schneelicht, a pure white-flowered, strongly armed shrub...

p.9: Some roses were sold to Peter Lambert (Zigeunerknabe and Parkzierde) and to J. C. Schmidt (Himmelsauge, Schneelicht and Theano) and are still attributed to them.
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 59.  
'Schneelicht' (Geschwind 1894) R. rugosa x R. phoenicia. Pure white, large blooms, single, once-blooming, floriferous bloom in clusters. Strongly armed canes. Vigorous.
Book  (11 Jun 1993)  Page(s) 51.  
R. rugosa x R. phoenicia. Geschwind (Hungary) 1894. Description... very hardy... clusters of blush pink buds open to large, fragrant, single, snow-white blossoms...
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 108.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1987)  Page(s) 24.  
['Conrad Ferdinand Meyer'] with the white 'Schneelicht' and the pretty white 'Fimbriata', are among the most charming of the rugosa varieties.
Website/Catalog  (1985)  Page(s) 45.  

Schneelicht....5 x 4’.

Book  (1983)  Page(s) 119.  Includes photo(s).
Rugosas and their Hybrids...Schneelicht (1896). Grows to 1.5 metres and has many single white flowers and a good scent. Very thorny growth and very hardy. Has one long flowering season only.
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 37.  
Schneelicht (Hybrid Rugosa) Clusters of large pure white single flowers. Very vigorous and the ideal hedge to keep out neighbour’s pets.   Quite impenetrable after two or three years, if planted with 3’ spacings. 1894.  W. H. Shade tolerant.(R) 10 x 6’.
Book  (1954)  Page(s) 54.  
Another somewhat distinct and extremely hardy group is known as the Hungarian Roses. They are mostly hybrids of R. multiflora with R. rugosa annd other hardy roses, and are credited to Geschwind of Karpona, Hungary. Representative varities are Château Luegg, Décoration de Geschwind, Gilda, Roi des Aunes, and Schneelicht.
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