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'SOCamp' rose References
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 113.  
Nola Simpson. Final Analysis 1995-96. 'Petticoat Lane' SOCamp. Eagle 1985. 'Pink Petticoat' x 'Pink Petticoat'. Cream pink; 30 reports on 39 plants; 1-8 years; 90cms; 7.1 rating. All reporters have found this to be a mediocre rose and not as good as its parent, 'Pink Petticoat'. Powdery mildew and dieback is a problem with many and the blooms mark in the rain and fade in the sun. The repeat of bloom is on the slow side. The form is quite good and it keeps well when picked.
Book  (1995)  Page(s) 99.  
Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1994-95 Season. Miniatures/.Patios.
'Petticoat Lane' (SOCamp); Eagle 1985; 'Pink Petticoat' x 'Pink Petticoat'; cream pink; 7 reports on 13 plants; 1-6 years; 90cms; 6.8 rating. All reporters find this a mediocre rose and not as good as its parent 'Pink Petticoat'. Powdery mildew is a problem with many and the blooms mark in the rain. The repeat of bloom is on the slow side. The form is quite good and it keeps well when picked.
Book  (1994)  Page(s) 98.  
Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1993-94 Season. 'Petticoat Lane'. .... rather sparse....
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 98.  
Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1992-93 Season. 'Petticoat Lane' SOCamp. Eagle 1985. 'Pink Petticoat' x 'Pink Petticoat'. Cream pink; 6 reports on 8 plants; 2-5 years; 70cms; 7.5 rating. This differs from its parent and sister seedling 'Moonlight Lady' only in colour of the blooms which are a medium pink. Repeat is slow, shape reasonable and big bushes are healthy. Not as pretty or as good as 'Pink Petticoat', opens fast, colour can be a bit washy and the flowers on the loose side.
Book  (1992)  Page(s) 98.  
Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1991-92 Season. 'Petticoat Lane' ....60cms....Big bushes are healthy....Good for picking....
Book  (1991)  Page(s) 100.  
Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses for 1990-91 Season. 'Petticoat Lane'. SOCamp. Eagle 1985. ('Pink Petticoat' x 'Pink Petticoat'). Cream/pink; 4 reports on 6 bushes; 3 years; 70cm; 7.0 rating. This mini is reported as having all the characteristics of its sister seedling 'Moonlight Lady', or its mother 'Pink Petticoat', except the colour of the blooms. Blooms are small and of average substance, open fast and come in definite flushes. Repeat is slowish. The bush basals and grows well, and so far appears to be healthy.
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