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'SOCtasia' rose References
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 49.  Includes photo(s).
p49 Photo. SOCtasia. Unnamed Hybrid Tea. Seedling 'High Spirits' x 'Scentasia'. Transparency Dawn Eagle.

p50. Dawn Eagle. Rose Classification. I have used the miniature rose 'High Spirits' as both a pollen and a seed parent in my crosses, and find that it produces many interesting seedlings which are healthy and free flowering. A number of these seedlings have larger flowers, even when crossed with another recognised miniature or patio variety. Some of these seedlings I would probably call small flowered hybrid teas after observing them as they have large shapely flowers with foliage which is in proportion. Once again these have only been grown on their own roots, and have not been tested as budded roses, although that would probably only increase the size of flowers and plants. The only drawback with the 'High Spirits' seedlings is a lack of fragrance.
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