'SOCenglish' rose References
Book (2001) Page(s) 49. Includes photo(s). p49 Photo. Caption: 'SOC english', Unnamed floribunda seedling bred from 'Scarlet Meillandina'. Transparency Dawn Eagle.
p50. Dawn Eagle. Rose Classification. Two or three years ago I used 'Scarlet Meillandina' as the seed parent crossed with the pollen from a number of different miniature roses. Most of the seedlings from these crosses turned out to be floribunda type roses, with a large percentage showing old fashioned type flowers with many petals. The leaves were also floribunda size, even on quite small plants grown on their own roots. I have not tried to bud any of these seedlings, but I can guess that if they were on understock they would appear to be normal floribunda bushes. According to the theory above, I could still register these seedlings as miniature. Of course I won't. They won't even be mini-flora. I personally classify my seedlings according to the way they grow, the size of flower, leaf and internode, regardless of their parentage.