'Yellow Queen Elizabeth' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 636. Includes photo(s). ‘Yellow Queen Elizabeth’/‘Queen Elizabeth Jaune’: Hybride de Thé - jaune moyen, remontant… Par temps frais, son jaune franc se nuance d’or et de crème. C’est un grand rosier très sain, à condition d’être bien nourri, et en bon sol, il se défend de lui-même des attaques de l’oïdium et du marsonia… Vlaeminck, Belgique, 1964. Sport de ‘Queen Elizabeth’.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 636. Includes photo(s). Yellow Queen Elizabeth ('Queen Elisabeth Jaune') Large-flowered/Hybrid Tea. Vlaeminck (Belgium) 1964. Yellow sport of 'Queen Elizabeth'
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 648. Yellow Queen Elizabeth Grandiflora, orange-yellow, 1964, 'Queen Elizabeth' sport; Vlaeminck.
Book (1966) Page(s) 23. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. Yellow Queen Elizabeth HT. (Vlaeminck) A very poor type, which is a pity. Apparently along with the change to a different colour, some other changes occurred also, with the result that this variety will never get to first base in our garden.
Website/Catalog (1965) Page(s) 30. Queen Elisabeth jaune (Vlaeminck 1963). Enormi mazzi di fiori molto grandi di un bel giallo-arancio, che si conserva inalterato per molto tempo. E’ pertanto indicata non solo per aiuole ma anche per il fiore reciso. Raccomandabile.