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'Noelle Marie' rose References
Book  (1995)  Page(s) 113.  
Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1994-95 Season. Miniatures/Patios.
'Noelle Marie'. (SOCnoma); Eagle 1990; 'Pink Petticoat' x 'Pink Petticoat'; cream; 35 reports on 62 plants; 1-5 years; 90cms; 7.4 rating. A tall strong growing rose much like its parent in habit. It has vicious thorns that bug the reporters and the repeat of flowers is very slow. The flowers are an attractive cream with quite good form. Some liken it to 'Moonlight Lady' but not as good. A South Canterbury grower is very keen on it and says it wins many prizes at shows down there. A very healthy rose.
Book  (1994)  
p63. Dawn Eagle. Container Gardening. ....small roses which give an attractive overall impression are those which are well clothed with foliage right from the base and have a neat bushy habit or those with informal growth. Some that fit into these categories are.... and 'Noelle Marie'.

p96. Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1993-94 Season. Miniatures/Patios.
'Noelle Marie'. (SOCnoma); Eagle 1990; 'Pink Petticoat' x 'Pink Petticoat'; cream; 12 reports on 22 plants; 1-4 years; 90cms; 7.0 rating. A tall strong growing rose much like its parent in habit. It has vicious thorns that bug the reporters and the repeat of flowers is very slow. The flowers are an attractive cream with quite good form. A Northland grower considers it is similar to 'Moonlight Lady', but not as good. South Canterbury likes it in spite of thorns and says it shows well down there. Central Otago thinks it is an excellent rose. Many of the reports say not enough flowers are produced for the size of the plants.
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 97.  
Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1992-93 Season. Miniatures/Patios.
'Noelle Marie' (SOCnoma); Eagle 1990; 'Pink Petticoat' x 'Pink Petticoat'; cream; 4 reports on 9 plants; 1-3 years; 70cms; 7.4 rating. A tall strong growing rose much like its parent in habit. It has vicious thorns that bug the reporters and the repeat of flowers is very slow. The flowers are an attractive cream with quite good form. A Northland grower considers it is similar to 'Moonlight Lady' but not as good.
Book  (1992)  Page(s) 97.  
Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1991-92 Season.
Noelle Marie (SOCnoma); Eagle 1990; 'Pink Petticoat' x 'Pink Petticoat'; cream; 5 reports on 8 plants; 1-3 years; 60cms; 7.8 rating. Not reported widely but all that have are impressed with the decorative type creamy blooms, mostly one/stem, healthy, vicious thorns, blooms a little on the large size, likened to 'Moonlight Lady'. More blooms would be better.
Book  (1991)  Page(s) 99.  
Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses for 1990-91 Season. Miniatures.
'Noelle Marie'. SOCnoma. Eagle 1990. ('Pink Petticoat' x 'Pink Petticoat'); pinky cream; 3 reports on 3 bushes; 1 year; 50cm; 7.7 rating. All first year bushes are settling in well and reporters say the pretty blooms have good form. Stems have big thorns, though. Health appears to be good except when overgrown by violets, when mildew attacks! Further reports will tell us more next year.
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