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'Belle sans flatterie' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2016)  
The plant directory of the Landscape Park Schönbusch near Aschaffenburg of 1783 includes a rose list which gives new insights into "early Roses". This was first published by Mr. Albert Jost in the Magazine Zandera (2010).
The directory is the earliest known document to date that lists new Roses with French names in a considerable scope. This type of name-giving was typical for Daniel August Schwarzkopf, the Court Gardener at Kassel. Many roses which are liste in the Schönbusch Directory were oviously obtained from Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe, Hesse, as several of the listed sorts were provenly obtained there. Moreover Christian Bode, the Court Gardener in Schönbusch, had came there in 1781 from Kassel, where he had been educated in the princely gardens.
For this reason, several of the early roses which were thought o be of Dutch or French origin, should be assumed now to be German obtentions.
Examples are:
'Aimable Rouge' (1783)
'Rose Incomparable' (1783)
'Belle sans Flatterie' (1783)
'Manteau Pourpre' (1783)
'Soleil Brillant' (1783)
Book  (2012)  Page(s) 43.  
Rosiers de Provins. 1ère Série...
(R. Belle sans flatterie holl.
(R. Joséphine Impératrice Gir. [Victor Girardon, obtenteur à Bas-sur-Aube]
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 24.  
Hybrid Gallica, mauve, 1820. Not rated.
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 204, pl. 82.  Includes photo(s).
Rose Belle sans Flatterie
'Belle sans Flatterie' is an old gallica variety which is still sold today. It is attributed to the breeder Godefroy in 1820. This date clearly shows how dubious this information is. It may be that Godefroy reintroduced it in 1820 under the old name.
The rose sis in various lists. According to Gravereaux, it was also in Malmaison and he planted it again at l?haÿ-les-Roses too, where it can still be found today. It is also found in Sangerhausen and Wilhelmshöhe.
Article (magazine)  (2001)  Page(s) 400.  
Fig. 1: [Closest relation to R. gallica officinalis. Next kin: Assemblage de Beautés].
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 110.  Includes photo(s).
‘Belle Sans Flatterie’: Gallique… fleurs de taille moyenne, bien doubles, à quartiers, rose lilas clair sur le pourtour et rose plus intense au centre, avec des pétales extérieurs réfléchis. Peu parfumé, il refleurit parfois en fin d’été… s’épanouissait dans les jardins de l’impératrice Joséphine à la Malmaison. Très prisé en France vers 1800, ce rosier est peu connu en dehors de l’Europe. Godefroy, Pays-Bas, avant 1806. Ascendance inconnue.
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 36.  
Belle Sans Flatterie Gallica. Holland pre-1806. Translation: "Beautiful, and Not Euphemistically So". The author cites information from different sources... lilac pink...
Book  (Mar 1999)  Page(s) 38.  
Belle Sans Flatterie Godefroy, France, 1820. Very popular in the early nineteenth century … This rose has been known to occasionally rebloom with a few late blossoms, indicating that it is a hybrid.
Article (newsletter)  (Feb 1999)  Page(s) 2.  
Belle sans flatterie Before 1806... one of 15 Dutch gallicas that definitely or probably originated in the Low Countries and which are still in cultivation today
Book  (Jul 1998)  Page(s) 306.  
Belle Sans Flatterie (Holland). 'Joséphine Impératrice' (Girardon). Included in the collection of the Luxembourg Garden around 1852-1860.
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