'Rosa tusnelda' rose Reviews & Comments
Does anyone have experience with Thusnelda in Zone 4 or 5? I'm curious to know how hardy it is since it's just listed as the default.
Initial post
10 DEC 15 by
Looking at Google Scholar, I could not find any sources for this.
Me neither. Probably Thusnelda http://www.helpmefind.com/gardening/l.php?l=2.6264
In the Rosen-Zeitung of 1890 Dr. Müller, the breeder of Thusnelda writes:
"... this cultivar [R. rugosa alba] got my attention and I decided to try to breed hybrids of it. Unfortunately I did not succeed in pollinating it. So finally I decided to use its pollen [that of R. rugosa alba] to inseminate other roses. For that I chose Gloire de 'Dijon. ... This finally succeded in the third year, bringing up two seedlings." [Rosen-Zeitung 1890, p.28)
Dr. Müller called them seedling A and B.
Seedling A finally went into commerce as 'Thusnelda' in 1891 [R-Z, p.13]
#1 of 1 posted
12 OCT 08 by
Thank you, that was a very important source!