'MEIclusif' rose References
Magazine (Dec 2014) Page(s) 39. Includes photo(s). The House of Meilland....New for 2014... Forget-Me-Not (var. MEIclusif) Intensely fragrant, petal-filled, classic bloom of deep pink, are held singly or in small clusters. It is ideal for cutting or garden show. Fragrance award. Height 1.5m.
Website/Catalog (27 Mar 2014) http://www.rosengarten-dresden.de/index.php?id=3&rid=332
Book (2011) Page(s) 155. Corporate Roses 2011 Meilland New Releases 'Forget-Me-Not' TM Var: Meiclusif. Here is a rose of infinite charm, continually producing masses of large dusky plum pink blooms, informally quartered and petal filled. Each flower is perfumed perfection, carrying a heady and heavenly fruity rose fragrance guaranteed to raise the spirits and scent the yard. 'Forget-Me-Not' is wonderfully healthy, robustly happy and so easy to grow, ideally suited to garden and pot alike. Supporting the valuable work of Alzheimer's Australia SA. Inc. Height 1.5m PBR Applied.
Website/Catalog (2011) Includes photo(s). http://www.bkn.de/en/02produkte/02rosen-neuh.html [website no longer active]
Website/Catalog (2008) Includes photo(s). Award: Silver Medal & Most Fragrant Rose (Gifu, Japan award) Name: Forget-Me-Not Type: Hybrid Tea Habit: Dense crimson red solitary blooms, grey green & maroon foliage Breeder: William Radler for Meilland International, France Exhibitor: Corporate Roses, SA