'Summer Wind' rose Reviews & Comments
How well does this variety resist blackspot in high humidity?
Mine is completely healthy in Oregon. I live near the temperate rainforests, so we have cool and cold humidity types. On some days, the air is like walking through a river of mist. Feels amazing on the lungs. Some roses do not like it though, but Summer Wind has been fine here. Your mileage may vary, because different races of disease are in different areas on the world.
Supposedly the foliage of this rose is fragrant? Heirloom Roses lists it with that description. The lineage shows sweetbriar on both sides.
I can absolutely confirm that. It is not as strong or as pronounced as a pure-blooded sweetbriar, and it takes just the right weather conditions to be noticeable, but it is amazing intoxicating when it does. It's the same foliar fragrance as the bud tips of Brite Eyes and Sunny Knock-Out.
This is one of my favorite Buck roses, and one of the few singles I like. It grows like a poly-flori bush type, and it is always blooms always with its small little salmon blooms. The foliage is very nice, too. This would make an amazing landscape rose, like Knock Out.
#1 of 1 posted
27 DEC 15 by
It has a cool lineage too!