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'Belle de Crécy' rose References
Magazine  (2020)  Page(s) 33. Vol 42, No. 4.  Includes photo(s).
Jacqui Davies.  Discovering Gallicas at Araluen. 
My Gallica discovery began in 2008.  I wad asked if I could produce ‘maps’ of the Araluen rose beds, building on Noelene Drage’s work in 2002. I accepted her decision of which Araluen roses are in the Gallica class and continued to use the class definition found in most Heritage Rose books.
I was surprised to find four plants labelled Belle de Crécy (1829). Three were singles and the other had many petals so it was easy to see something was wrong. Luckily for me I pass Melville’s Nursery on my way home from Araluen. They told me the single was Complicata.

p34.  Photo by George Davies  Belle de Crecy [This is a mid-pink bloom]
Newsletter  (May 2015)  Page(s) 25, 26(photo).  Includes photo(s).
[From "Suckering Roses Revisited", by Darrell g.h. Schramm, pp. 23-27]
The Gallica hybrids, such as ‘Belle de Crecy (pre-1829), ‘Cardinal de Richelieu’ (1840), and ‘Charles de Mills’ (pre-1790) sucker somewhat thickly, sometimes reproducing themselves as though marching in a phalanx or military band on parade. As such, they create huge, long bushes.
Book  (2012)  Page(s) 44.  
Rosiers de Provins
R. Belle de Crécy, Rœser
Article (magazine)  (2006)  Page(s) 71.  
ʻJenny Duvalʼ and ʻBelle de Crécyʼ, classified either within the Gallica or within the Hybrid China roses (Beales, 1985; Beales et al., 1998; Cairns, 2000; Dickerson, 1999), are found in the same branch together with the two Gallica  accessions R. gallica L. ʻConditorumʼ Diek and R. gallica ʻOfficinalisʼ Thory.
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 24.  
Hybrid Gallica. Rated 8.1
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 109.  Includes photo(s).
‘Belle de Crécy’/’Le Météore’: Gallique… Cerise pourpré, puis pourpre velouté, elle passe au violet, surtout par temps chaud, pour finir gris lavande… Pleine et plate, elle déploît sa rosette autour d’un petit bouton central sur lequel s’incurve les pétales du coeur… arbuste grêle au bois souple, brun tacheté de vert et presque sans épines. Son feuillage vert sombre à reflets bleutés est un peu rude au toucher. La légende veut que ce gallique provienne du château de Mme de Pompadour à Crécy, mais il est plus probable qu’il tire son nom de Crécy-en-Brie, où Roeser avait sa pépinière. Roeser, France, avant 1836. RHS Award of Garden Merit, 1993.
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 499.  
Belle de Crécy Hybrid China. Roeser/Hardy, 1829. The author cites information from different sources... Deep violet... blackish purple... Raised by Monsieur Roeser, a fancier in Crécy, and published by Monsieur Hardy.
Book  (Mar 1999)  Page(s) 34-36.  Includes photo(s).
Belle de Crécy Gallica. Hardy/Roeser (France) 1829. Description... Reputedly raised at Madame de Pompadour's château at Crécy and introduced in the late 1820's. Possibly a Gallica-China hybid... practically thornless... cerise-pink blossoms, flushed with violet. As the bloom matures, mauve and grey tones appear...
Book  (Nov 1998)  Page(s) 18, 21.  Includes photo(s).
Page 18: [PHOTO]
Page 21: Belle de Crécy Gallica. Description. Blooms start out cerise pink, then turn parma violet, and end up grayish mauve...
Book  (Jul 1998)  Page(s) 196-199.  Includes photo(s).
Belle de Crécy Roeser (?), before 1836. Synonym:: Le Météore. Habit: shrub less upright than gallicas; 1.20 to 1.40 m hight, 1 m wide; branches practically without prickles. Foliage: medium green, leaflets quite rounded, very serrated, sometimes only 3 per leaf. Bloom: pink bud, very foliaceous sepals. Medium size, flat, very double, quartered. Petals reflex inwards when aging. Small green eye at the centre. In clusters of 3 blooms. Colour: cherry-red, passing to parma with nuances of mauve, and even violet if the season is very hot. Fragrance: strong....The origin of this variety is not clear at all. ..Boitard attributes it to Hardy; this is apparently an error, as Hardy himself in his catalogue of Luxembourg indiuacates that this variety was obtained by Roeser....we have not found a source earlier than 1836 (Boitard, Vibert). Vibert mentions this rose briefly, in 1836, by saying it's deep violet....Two characteristics of the current 'Belle de Crécy' do not correspond with [Boitard's[ description: the canes have very few prickles and the foliage does not have seven leaflets, but five, even three only.....C. Testu believes that 'Belle de Crécy' has 'La Météore' as synonym. This is quite correct. It is under this name that we find it in the catalogue of Van Houtte of 1843. Currently the rose appears under both names at Sangerhausen. [Meteor in Sangerhausen is the Noisette by Geschwind!.
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