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'Beauty of Greenwood' rose References
Newsletter  (May 2013)  Page(s) 2-3.  
His first rose was ‘Beauty of Greenmount’ in 1854, a hybrid setigera. Today, a found rose under the study name of “Green Mount Red,” growing in that cemetery, as well as another on the grave of George F. Harison of ‘Harison’s Yellow,’ is speculated to be the same rose.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 317.  
Greenmount or Greenwood, Beauty of (noisette) Pentland 1854; cherry, shaded pink, medium size, double, cluster-flowered.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 18.  
1.173 Beauty of Greenmount Noisette, cerise et rouge
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 171.  
Beauty of Greenmount, 1854;....raised by Jas. Pentland, of Baltimore.
Book  (1885)  Page(s) 130, Vol 1.  
Noisette. Beauté de Greenmort [sic].
Fleur moyenne, pleine, poussant en corymbes; coloris rouge cerise ombré de rose.

Translation: Noisette. Beauté de Greenmort [sic].
Medium-sized, full flower, growing in corymbs; color is cherry red with rose shadings.
Magazine  (Sep 1880)  Page(s) 142.  
Roses Noisette, ou Rose Champney, ou Rose mousseuse hybride ....  R. Beauty of Greenmount (Pentland , 1854). Fleur rose foncé.
Magazine  (1 Apr 1880)  Page(s) 60.  
Notice sur les Roses Américaines
Lue à la Société d'horticulture de Rochester (Etats-Unis) le 29 janvier 1880 Par M. H. B. Ellwanger
Noisettes ou Roses de Champney ou Rosa Moschata Hybrida...
Beauty of Greenwood (James Pentland de Baltimore. 1854). -- Rose foncé.
Magazine  (1879)  Page(s) 66.  
"American Roses." By H. B. Ellwanger.
Noisette Roses, or Champney [sic] Roses.
Beauty of Greenmount (James Pentland, of Baltimore, 1854). Rosy red.
Website/Catalog  (1868)  Page(s) 63.  
Noisette Roses.
Price, 60 cents each except otherwise noted.  12 varieties, our choice, $6.
Beauty of Greenmount.  Brilliant crimson; blooms in large clusters.
Website/Catalog  (1861)  Page(s) 64.  
Roses which we commercialized in 1859.
684. Beauty of Greenmount (Noisette-Rose), medium size, full, bright carmine-pink, cluster-flowered, almost continuous bloom, own-root....15 Neugroschen
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