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'Silver Shadows' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 97-225
most recent 4 MAR 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 1 FEB 17 by JasonSims1984
I have been very impressed with this rose. It really handles cold temperatures like a champ, and does well in drought and in boggy conditions. It holds onto its leaves unlike a lot of prima donnas, and it keeps its flowers for a very long time as well. The flowers start out basically off white but take on a very faint lavender silver color as the flower ages and become a very attractive HT pointed shape. The flowers have to be removed because they will remain even as the hip is forming. Such a neat combination of qualities. Great fragrance. This and its cousin, Blue Skies are going to become the basis of a great new generation of lavenders. Neither one has a color that can be compared to, say, "Blue Girl", but they are stronger plants. It's almost like having a faintly lavender version of "Carefree Beauty".
Reply #1 of 15 posted 1 FEB 17 by Andrew from Dolton
Exquisite as it is opening but rather disappointing when fully open as in the pictures from Beth's Northern CA Rose Garden and Robert Neil Rippetoe, rather like 'Margaret Merril' the stamens spoil the flower. Maybe could make some nice crosses with 'Aschermittwoch' or 'Grey Pearl'.
Reply #2 of 15 posted 4 FEB 17 by JasonSims1984
Grey pearl is not something I would mix back into modern roses anymore. I am certain that Distant Drums and the great many number of russet/lavender roses that exist now would achieve the same results in color but with seedlings much more healthy and worth the time. If you want to use grey pearl for a very specific reason, I think you should use Intermezzo or Lavender Pinnochio, which are both just a generation away from it.
Reply #3 of 15 posted 6 FEB 17 by Kim Rupert
I grew Silver Shadows years ago in the mid SoCal desert. It is DEFINITELY a better rose for a cooler climate than one which regularly experiences triple digit heat. The flowers and foliage are too soft for such extremes. As for modifying its coloring, please look more closely at newer, healthier mauves such as Blue for You, Poseidon or something like them than going backwards to museum pieces such as Lavender Pinocchio or mauves from the fifties, sixties, seventies, etc. Each decade, the bar is raised dramatically. You may pick up some coloring you desire from these older types, but you are going to lose much more in health, vigor, architecture, etc.
Reply #4 of 15 posted 6 FEB 17 by JasonSims1984
Thanks. You are right. Modern really is the way to go, but I love wild forms of plants.
Reply #5 of 15 posted 6 FEB 17 by Kim Rupert
I don't blame you and I also love "museum pieces", or I wouldn't also grow Lilac Charm, virus indexed Sterling Silver and Grey Pearl, but NOT for breeding "improved" roses.
Reply #6 of 15 posted 6 FEB 17 by JasonSims1984
Lol. You're going to smack me with a glove and challenge me to a duel for asking this,
What about directly crossing fedt with a pepper scented china with eglanteria with primula?

Like (fedt x china) x ((primula x eglanteria) x china) ?

I mean, if the end result is a whole new class of shrub roses that are valued for foliage fragrance, that would make them pretty modern by definition.
Reply #7 of 15 posted 6 FEB 17 by Kim Rupert
Not at all. First, I would select the healthier, more vigorous types of the China for where you are and make the Fed X China cross both ways to see which (if either) works. They may not. For years, I put Fed. on everything that moved and vice versa. The ONLY thing that produced any seeds with it was Orangeade. Orangeade is a rabbit on fertility drugs! I theorized that if it crossed with Orangeade, it should them cross with Dottie Louise (Orangeade X Basye's Legacy) to bring in the other species genes. It did. You will find them here as the DLFED crosses. Whatever crosses you desire using, make the reciprocal crosses, too. Many won't work in one direction, but may going the other way. Don't be disappointed when the foliage scent is severely diluted, or even lost, pretty early on. That's usually what happens.
Reply #8 of 15 posted 6 FEB 17 by JasonSims1984
Hmm....where can I get dlfed or oedfed? Does anyone grow these?
That midnight blue x fed looked fantastic, as did the IHTXLB X FED. I have IHT. I also have Lilac Charm and Lila Banks. I love the general theme of crossing anemic or even excellent roses back to a species to attempt to reinvigorate it. I just got bracteata. I am going to make some really voracious stuff with it.
Reply #9 of 15 posted 6 FEB 17 by Kim Rupert
I only grow the repeat flowering Oadefed now. I left the DLFED crosses behind due to their "enthusiastic" suckering habits and the reduced room in the new yard. There are a few gardens growing some of them, but the one I feel is the most potentially useful is DLFED 3 as it's the mossy one with the largest, most double flowers. DLFED 4 repeats well and resembles Gloire des Rosomanes in several ways. I also have DLFED 5 X Tom Thumb which repeats in my climate. I'm raising some selfs of it in hopes of obtaining a more dwarf habit. One you may also find intriguing is the Golden Angel X R. Soulieana from Mr. Moore.
Reply #10 of 15 posted 3 MAR 22 by Michael Garhart
Both Buck mauves were junk here in Oregon, as well. Black spot, weak stems, and not all that large blooms at all. Neither stayed long with me. In fact, Neptune is superior in every way, except maybe hardiness and own-rooting(I didn't have a snap winter when I had the two).
Reply #11 of 15 posted 3 MAR 22 by Kim Rupert
I have probably shared the story with you previously. If so, please forgive the repetition. I bought Blue Skies (BUCblu) the year before its official introduction. MUCH hype was made about Buck's "Blue Rose", touting it as "Ageratum Blue". I HAD to grow it. I loved the breeding and anything "blue" was on my radar. A group of Texas rose producers offered it budded for $25, PLUS shipping. Remember, that was nearly forty years ago and $25 for a bare root rose was HUGE. I received it and it was the single WORST plant I have ever endured. It had severe RMV, seldom producing a leaf without symptoms. It contracted rust, black spot AND mildew all together. The flowers had no shape and were frequently deformed and never lasted very long. Talk about disappointment. I gave it two years then dug it, chopped it in many pieces and sent it off to the landfill. It's still the most expensive bare root I have bought and that includes paying the equivalent of $15 - $18 each for the Harkness Hulthemias imported from Harkness when you could buy the J&P "Rose of the Year" Grade 1 for $5. Never again.
Reply #12 of 15 posted 4 MAR 22 by styrax
The mauve roses have really improved in the past 3 decades! Don't know if we are any closer to blue, but I was very impressed by Arctic Ice on the East Coast: while it takes colder weather to get the lavender colors, it is a sturdy bush.
Reply #13 of 15 posted 4 MAR 22 by Kim Rupert
All color types have improved over the decades! As far as perfect health out here, NOTHING surpasses Blue for You. (Well, Eyes for You is AS rudely healthy out here.)
Reply #15 of 15 posted 4 MAR 22 by Michael Garhart
Yeah, I remember. Its hard to complain when he gave us so many gifts, but, yeah, his mauves were stinkers lmao. So... bad.
Reply #14 of 15 posted 4 MAR 22 by Mila & Jul
I grow it in my garden here in Stuttgart, Germany. i budded it myself with wood from a friend four years ago. It is always on the brink of death, but I like the color of the blooms...
Discussion id : 91-750
most recent 27 MAR 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 MAR 16 by Michael Garhart
'Solitude' from Dot is definitely correct, and definitely not the orange 'Solitude'.

Dot was Buck's mentor. From what I had read, Buck sent out random pen pals, and Dot received it from around the world. He was the only one that responded, and asked his daughter to be Buck's mentor. And this is how Buck was introduced to roses.

So a few of Dot's work shows up in Buck's work. Sadly, a lot of Mediterranean roses are not meant for Iowa, and not as blackspot free there. But I love the story.
Discussion id : 64-879
most recent 7 JUN 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 JUN 12 by Anemone
I have two own root Silver Shadows, one I grow in a pot and overwinter in an unheated room, and another that was mislabeled as another rose that I planted outside. Both are eager to grow and eager to bloom. The one I overwintered indoors emerged in the spring with spotless foliage, even as its neighbor Prairie Harvest was covered with powdery mildew. The one that spent our Zone 6b winter outside with 8 inches of mulch piled over the base died down to six inches from the ground and was the first rose to bloom this year. It got some blackspot last fall but not nearly as much as my problem rose Moondance. As far as my potted Buck Hybrid Tea/Grandifloras go, at this point Enchanted Autumn and Iobelle have cleaner foliage and Iobelle has more flower buds but Silver Shadows is the most vigorous grower.

In my climate(Zone 6b CT), Silver Shadows is a pale lilac color, with some pink showing on the outside of the buds.
Discussion id : 1-821
most recent 15 JAN 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
The rose bushes of this variety that I have seen at Roses Unlimited are WHITE not mauve. The buds start out with a hint of mauve or pink but by the time they are in full bloom, they are COMPLETELY white.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 12 JUN 06 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
They have always been a very pale blue blue-lavender in my garden. They don't tolerate high temperatures well.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 15 JAN 09 by 7Heavens
Silver Shadows grows at Roses of Yesterday where I've seen it many times. The bloom has the classic high-centered form and wonderful scent. The color varies according to the weather, in cool weather a very pale lavender, in heat white or whitish, but often when conditions are just right, it really can appear to be silver; unique.
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