'Rosa atrovirens Viviani Synonym' rose References
Book (2018) Page(s) 544. Includes photo(s). Rosa sempervirens L. ...southern Europe, from Spain to eastern Greece, northern Africa, northwestern Africa and Turkey. In our country spreads in the İstanbul, Tekirdağ, Çanakkale, Bursa and Kahramanmaraş regions...
Magazine (2016) Page(s) Table S2. rosa subgallicoïdes, Origin of the sample: Loubert Rose Garden, Genetic group 10 (Botanical/Cultivated), Percentage of assignation: 99.3, 1900, Sp, Unknown, Origin: France, Ploidy: 2, measured
Book (2012) Page(s) 68. Rosiers toujours vert. Rosa sempervirens, Linné. 1ère Serie... ([syn.] R. Sempervirens minor, vib. ([syn.] R. Sempervirens Globuleux, Thory ([syn.] R. Sempervirens Scandens, Miller
Article (magazine) (2009) Page(s) 30. R. sempervirens L. Source Córdoba (Spain) Chromosome Number 14
Book (May 1998) Page(s) 128-129. Includes photo(s). Rosa sempervirens globosa ('Round-fruited Evergreen Rose') Description... petals 5, white... All varieties of R. sempervirens come from Italy, mainly the Florence area, where they bloom almost throughout the year... The petals are made into a supposed purgative medicine used by the people of Tuscany, although probably in minute doses...
Book (Jul 1993) Page(s) 100. Rosa sempervirens, the Evergreen Rose, is a native of Southern Europe and North Africa... Although R. sempervirens is not completely hardy, its hybrids seem to be almost entirely so...
Book (1993) Page(s) 78. Includes photo(s). [Listed under "Wild Roses and Their Cultivars"] Description. Found from North Africa and Spain to Greece and Turkey. Flowers from early to midsummer.
Magazine (1992) Page(s) 7-14. Includes photo(s). [Article "The Evergreen Rose: Rosa sempervirens by Gert Handschin] old rose books sometimes with the old names Rosa alba or Rosa atrovirens. In Italy is the name Rosa di San Giovanni also common...The foliage of the Evergreen Rose is light green and tender in spring. In summer they become leathery and glossy. In autumn she sows beautful discolouration from yellow to orange up to purple-red. Also these autumnally discoloured leaves often persist on the branches. A characteristic of Rosa sempervirens is the form of the leaves. The individual leaflets are narrow; they are mostly 3-4 times longer than broad. The terminal leaflet and the following pair are conspiciously larger than the others. Especially the bottom pair is generally very small. In addition, the leaflets, especially the terminal one, are pointed sabre-like and hooked. Aside from this basic form, Rosa sempervirens shows a large variation in the form and size of the individual leaves...The great variability of this foliage has led researchers of wild roses to divide Rosa sempervirens into a large number of sub-varieties and forms. Observations show however that this variability is due to differences in the environment....Conspicious is the creeping or climbing habit. One finds the rose creeping on the ground in rather shady slopes, where it blooms rarely. In sunny hedges ..climbs up to 6 m high...The hips...are small and globular. The typical stylus column is also recognizable after fading....The glandular peduncle and sepals as well as the fine hair on the column differentiate it from Rosa arvensis....
Book (1984) Page(s) 174. E. F. Allen. Roses of Interest. Rosa sempervirens var. prostrata.....
Book (1981) Page(s) 288. R. sempervirens L. Evergreen Rose. Climbing, to 5 m./16.5 ft. high or trailing, stems slender, flexible, green, with slender, red prickles; leaflets 5-7, ovate-lanceolate, acute, 2.5-6 cm./1-2.4 in. long, glossy on both sides, simply serrate, stipules with glandular margin; flowers several in corymbs, white, scented, 3-5 cm./1.2-2 in. across, June-July; sepals ovate, glandular beneath, dropping; stipules hairy, glandular; fruits ovoid-globose, 12 mm./0.5 in. Long, orange-red. 2n=14, 21, 28. WR 5 (=R. balearica Pers.) ["The Genus Rosa"] Mediterranean Region, N. Africa. 1629. Tender. Formerly used in hybridizing; descendants are: --> 'Félicité et Perpétue', 'Spectabilis' and 'Adélaide d'Orléans'. Furthermore this species was involved in the origin of the Ayrshire Roses,