'Belle Rosine' rose References
Book (Mar 1999) Page(s) 38. Vibert, France, before 1834. (Description)
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 136-137. Belle Rosine. Vibert, 1829-1830. Before 1815 a first 'Belle Rosine' was introduced by Descemet, which...Vibert himself, his successor, took up in his catalogue of 1820. Later Vibert retook this name - as was his custom - to apply it to a new gallica in 1829 which he describes simply as "pink", and Prévost as "light pink". As a result, the example which is at ...Sangerhausen in Germany is wrong. It is thus not impossible that it is extinct...
Book (1936) Page(s) 624. Rosine, Belle (Provins or centifolia) Vibert ca. 1840; cherry-red, medium to large, double
Book (1899) Page(s) 23. Belle Rosine, Provins, rose
Book (1863) Page(s) 211. Rosa gallica. The French Rose. 3. Belle Rosine; flowers deep pink, their circumference of a paler hue, large and full; form, expanded. Habit, erect; growth, moderate.
Website/Catalog (1862) Page(s) 12. Belle Rosine Gall. Deep pink, large and full
Book (1858) Page(s) 204. Rosa gallica. Belle Rosine, Blumen mittelgroß, voll, rosa.
Translation: Rosa gallica. Belle Rosine, the medium-sized, full flowers are pink.
Magazine (Aug 1854) Page(s) 228. "On Town Roses" by G. Paul. I shall now offer a list of 100 sorts, which I believe best suited for town gardening, having seen them at various times flourishing around London and the great manufacturing towns in the United Kingdom. Summer Roses. The French Rose. Belle Rosine...large deep pink
Book (1847) Page(s) 548. Rosier de Provins. Rosa Gallica. Variétés jardinières. Belle Rosine. Fleurs moyennes, pleines, roses.
Website/Catalog (1846) Page(s) 59. Rosiers Provins. Belle Rosine, moyenne, pleine, rose...1 25 fr.