'Bengale pourpre-noir' rose Reviews & Comments
Botanical Cabinet vol. 11 Catalogue of Plants, which are Sold by Conrad Loddiges and Sons, Nurserymen at Hackney, near London (1826) p. 56
indica *exuberant* semperflorens *atronigra*
Catalogue: Stephen F. Mills & Co. Long-Island, near New-York (1826) p. 49 487 - Knight's exuberant
L'horticulture francais vol. 1, p. 573 (1825) By M. Pirolle Les amateurs de collection cultivent aussi le Bengale Velours Pourpre, à petites fleurs semi-doubles bien veloutées brun; le Bengale Aurantia, très-petites feuilles simples, petites fleurs blanc nuancé jaune; le Bengale Splendens, à fleurs moyennes, semi-doubles et belle teinte lilas; le Bengale A Feuilles De Pêcher, fleurs moyennes semi-doubles et formes irrégulières.
The Cottage Gardener 212-213 (Jan 1, 1852) PILLAR ROSES Donald Beaton
...we have Splendens, Pierre de St. Cyr, and Madame Desprez to add to our list of rose-coloured from the Bourbons. Some people object to Splendens and Madame Desprez because their flowers come too near the colour of the old large China, so common against cottage doors all over the country, but then, there are no more constant bloomers in the catalogue, except Gloire de Rosamene, and the true Splendens is really more like the latter than any other rose, and though not very double, it is always in bloom, and attractive. There is a very common-looking rose called Splendens, in some collections, and I once had it from Bath, but I cut his head off the moment I saw it. I believe the true Splendens is now on sale in all the nurseries.