From "Transaction of the Horticultural Society of London", 1842, p. 242: "Observations upon the Effect of...the England in the Winter of 1837-8"
[• indicates that a plant has been entirely killed, or so nearly so that it was not worth preserving ; Ø that it was much injured, but not killed ; o that it was uninjured, or hurt in no considerable degree.]
Courtesy of the Biodiversity Heritage Library
From "Flora Graeca Sibthorpiana", by J.E. Smith, Vol. 6, fasc. 1, 1825, Pl. 517: a. Flos, abreptis petalis. b. Idem staminibus etiam orbatus. c. Petalum. d. Fructus vix maturus.
The plate was already prepared by J. Sibthorp before his death in 1796 and referred to in Vol. I of "Flora Graecia Prodromus" (1806).
Courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library