'C. odorata Wall.' clematis Photos
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Clematis photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Revue horticole", May 1, 1856, fig. 43, p. 161
Courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 26 NOV |
Illustration from The Garden, June 21, 1890, p.573
Uploaded 14 OCT 17 |
Clematis photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Les Clématites à grandes fleurs", by Alphonse Lavallée, 1884, pl. XXII
Courtesy of BnF Gallica
Uploaded 13 OCT 23 |
Clematis photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Transaction of the Horticultural Society of London", 1842, p. 242: "Observations upon the Effect of...the Frost...in England in the Winter of 1837-8"
[• indicates that a plant has been entirely killed, or so nearly so that it was not worth preserving ; Ø that it was much injured, but not killed ; o that it was uninjured, or hurt in no considerable degree.]
Courtesy of the Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 28 OCT 16 |
Clematis photo courtesy of jedmar
From "The Clematis as a Garden Flower", by Thomas Moore & George Jackman, 1872, Plate VIII, facing p. 48
Courtesy of Google
Uploaded 21 SEP 21 |
Clematis photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Edwards's Botanical Register", 1840, plate 53. Courtesy of the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt
Uploaded 24 MAR 13 |
Clematis photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Plantae asiaticae rariores", by Mathaniel Wallich, 1832, pl. 217
Courtesy of Hortus Camdenensis / Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 20 SEP 21 |
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