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'MEIpoque' rose References
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 66.  
Pink Meidiland (MEIpoque) Cluster-flowered shrub. Description... clusters of many cupped single blooms, 2 in (6 cm) across, salmon pink with white centres...
Book  (Mar 1995)  Page(s) 143, 145.  Includes photo(s).
Pink Meidiland (MEIpoque, 'Schloss Heidegg') Meilland (France) 1985. Shrub. Description... the most striking of the dozen Meidilands that have been introduced so far... single-petaled, pink blooms with a conspicuous white eye... produces attractive rose hips, gets some blackspot, but no mildew...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 453.  
Pink Meidiland® Shrub, deep pink, white eye, single, 1984, (MEIpoque; 'Schloss Heidegg'); 'Anne de Bretagne' x 'Nirvana'; Meilland, M.L. Description.
Magazine  (1985)  Page(s) 39-40.  
Christening of the rose Schloss Heidegg...Meilland 1985, Swiss registry of trademarks 335679, breeder code Meipoque, shrub. Parents: Mother: Nirvana ® (Meirisouru) 1977 hybrid polyantha, Father: Anne de Bretagne ® (Meituraphar) shrub. Deep pink when expanding, light pink when fully expanded, white-yellow eye and large, prominent, golden-yellow stamens...single, 5 petals, in large clusters, beautiful pointed carmine-red buds...very vigorous, broad bushy..repeats well, very healthy, robust and hardy. 100-120 cm..
Website/Catalog  (1985)  Page(s) 35, back cover(photo).  Includes photo(s).
Schloss Heidegg ® Meipoque.
Rose Meilland 1985. Rosier arbuste donnant à profusion de ravissantes roses simples au chatoyant coloris rose carmin brillant et ceci jusqu'aux gelées. Hauteur 100-150 cm.
Website/Catalog  Page(s) 93.  Includes photo(s).
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