'Oxfordshire' rose References
Book (2002) Page(s) 23. Rated 8.1
Book (2000) Page(s) 101. Includes photo(s). ‘Baby Blanket’/KORfullwind/’Oxfordshire’/ ’Sommermorgen’/ ’Summer Morning’ = couvre-sol... gros bouquets débordant de corolles rondes au parfum léger, pas bien grandes mais juponnées de plusieurs rangs de pétales volantés, d’un rose tendre et soyeux, éclairé de l’or des étamines. Le rosier, vigoureux, lance ses rameaux raides dans toutes les directions, bien garnis d’un fin feuillage sombre et brillant, exempt de maladies. Kordes, Allemagne, 1991. ‘Surrey’ x semis. Médaille d’Or à Courtrai + Monza Gold Medal.
Website/Catalog (28 Dec 1998) Page(s) 34. Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog (23 Oct 1998) Page(s) 6, 18. Includes photo(s). Page 6: [Photo] Oxfordshire (KORfullwind) County Series... Continuously smothered in clusters of medium pink double blooms. Kordes 1996. Page 18: [Photo]
Book (1998) Page(s) 14. Baby Blanket Shrub, light pink, 1993, (KORfullwind; 'Sommermorgen®'; 'Summer Morning'); 'Weisse Immensee' x 'Goldmarie'; W. Kordes Sohne. Description.
Book (1996) Page(s) 61. Oxfordshire (KORfullwind, 'Baby Blanket', 'Summer Morning') Cluster-flowered shrub; cupped double pale pink flowers, 2.75 in (7 cm) across, with gold stamens and frilled petal edges... Parentage: 'Surrey' x seedling. Kordes (Germany) 1991.
Book (1994) Page(s) 51. Colin P. Horner, The 1993 Rose Seedling Awards in Great Britain. The other gold medal winner was Korfullwind (T.G.914), a medium pink spreading Cluster Flower variety bred from 'Surrey' x a seedling, which was outstanding throughout the season.