'Hessie Lowe' rose References
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 224. 'HESSIE LOWE', HT, op, 1956; flowers peach-pink, dbl., exhibition form, intense fragrance; foliage glossy; very vigorous growth; Lowe
Book (1962) Page(s) 19. Dr. A. S. Thomas: .....'Angel Wings' resembles 'Hessie Lowe' rather closely but 'Angel Wings' is probably the better of the two.
Book (1961) Page(s) 15. Dr. A. S. Thomas. New Roses in Victoria Hessie Lowe, HT. (Lowe 1956) Very pointed high-centred blooms that are mostly cream, but there are many pink shadings as well. Rather like a paler 'La Jolla'. If more mature plants can give bigger blooms, this will be a good show rose and the light colouring will be most welcome. Tall plant with large light green leaves.