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'Aztec' rose References
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 97.  Includes photo(s).
‘Aztec’ = Hybride de Thé… écarlate clair irisé de vermillon, à la fois intense et doux… remontée sans reproche, même si la floraison n’est jamais prolifique… Le rosier est une déception. Courtaud, déjeté, il tend à s’affaler, incapable de soutenir ses fleurs, et se montre aussi chiche de pousses neuves que de ses feuilles sombres et cireuses. Swim, US 1957.
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 97.  Includes photo(s).
Aztec Hybrid Tea. Swim (USA) 1957. Description... light vermilion-scarlet... It was praised for the fact that it holds the vermilion tone without any trace of purple, which was the fault of 'Independence' and others in this novel color...
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 63.  Includes photo(s).
Aztec Large-flowered. Herbert Swim 1957... terracotta to brick-red... one of the first Large-flowered Roses in this color range... 'Charlotte Armstrong' x unnamed seedling
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 35.  
Aztec Hybrid Tea, scarlet-orange, 1957, 'Charlotte Armstrong' x Seedling; Swim. Description.
Book  (1969)  Page(s) 163.  
Mr. C. W. Bulley, of Brisbane, Queensland. The New Ones. 
'Brandenburg' my opinion is an improved 'Aztec'.
Book  (1965)  Page(s) 81.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas. New Roses in Victoria.
There is always scope for improvements such as an Aztec with rigid stems, a 'Montezuma' that does not burn....
Book  (1962)  Page(s) 21.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas:
The orange-scarlet to flame colouring [of 'Heat Wave'] makes this rose almost the Floribunda counterpart of 'Aztec'
Website/Catalog  (1961)  Page(s) 4.  
Novelty Roses 1960.  Aztec. (HT. Armstrong Nurseries 1957) Long, high centred, scarlet orange  double blooms that range up to 6" in diameter. Medium growth with good foliage A very fine variety. 8/6 each.
Book  (1960)  
p11. Frank W. Pulsford, Epping, NSW.  New Roses for 1960. 
Aztec (Swim, 1957) : Long, high-centred scarlet-orange double blooms that range up to six inches in diameter. Good foliage and medium growth. A very fine variety.

p17.  Dr. A. S. Thomas: .....'Christian Dior' and 'Aztec' are probably the best new red roses for several years and 'Aztec' is hardly a genuine red. 

p64. Lester E. Satterlee.  Rose Growing in Kansas. 
Aztec (Swim): This bush sprawls too much to suit us.  It has well-formed blooms of red-orange. Good for rose shows if you happen to get it just right.

p99.  Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. Some Novelty Roses. 
Aztec HT. (Swim, 1957) Beautiful warm shade of orange scarlet. Well-shaped blooms with nicely reflexed petals. Beween twenty-five and thirty petals as a rule, but sometimes more. A little obvious pruning will overcome the tendency toward a spreading habit of growth. This is a very fine variety.

p101.  Roy and Heather Rumsey
'Heat Wave' and 'Aztec', by the same hybridiser, are very similar in colouring.
Book  (1959)  Page(s) 21.  
p21. Dr. A. S. Thomas. New Varieties in Victoria.
Aztec HT. (Swim, 1957). We have had excellent brick-red or flame colouring in Floribundas for some years, all bred from 'Baby Chateau' or from one or other of its descendants, notably 'Kordes' Sondermeldung' and 'Floradora'. This is the first really good HT in this colour group. It opens much better than does 'Montezuma' and appears not to burn readily. Also, the flower is much bigger. Early flowering and little perfume. The main fault seems to lie in the sprawling habit of growth.
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