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'Cream Flower Circus ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 87-709
most recent 4 SEP 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 6 SEP 15 by Coriaceous
Available from - Chamblee Rose Nursery
10926 US-69, Tyler, TX 75706
Reply #1 of 1 posted 4 SEP 23 by ParisRoseLady
Do not buy from Chamblees, the current ownership is defrauding customers.
Discussion id : 134-777
most recent 14 OCT 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 OCT 22 by Silvermoss
The fragrance of this rose when picked as a just opened bud is better than what I expected. It has a moderately-strong rose scent when you put your nose into it. One can smell it when walking past a metre away (indoors). Observation mid-October, Sydney, Australia.

Summer, Sydney Australia: fragrance very slight if any.
Discussion id : 123-061
most recent 25 AUG 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 AUG 20 by christineb
I have this little rose planted in almost full shade, and I have been so impressed by it! It blooms in flushes with very little down time between them, so I've had 4 flushes this summer. (This is in SE England, where the summer is not long and the sun is not strong.) It's only been in the ground a year, so I expect it to improve in future. The color of the flowers is a lovely peachy pink apricot at first, but they fade a bit each day and end up a wishy-washy pale apricot before the petals fall. The foliage is ample and healthy and the dark green color sets off the flowers well. Seems vigorous yet compact so far.
Discussion id : 83-857
most recent 23 MAR 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 MAR 15 by jimeastcoast
Just love this rose. Bought it on a whim from Chamblee's spring of 2014. Compact, shiny, healthy green leaves. Always had a few blooms on it all of last year even in its original small pot. It can be light pink, light apricot, or a pinkish or apricot tinted off-white...all beautiful. Another plus! My plant seems to be thornless or almost so though I haven't seen this mentioned. I read the patent and it seems to lack stamens so it is male sterile. I did see a pod on it late in the fall but pulled it off because it was so late into the season. That means it is female fertile. For those who like to make rose babies, I think this would be a good place to start. I want to try some crosses this spring and see what happens.
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