Book (2002) Page(s) 23. Rated 7.1
Book (2000) Page(s) 97. Includes photo(s). ‘Avon’ = Hybride de Thé. Son aptitude à conserver son coloris intact a fait le succès de cette rose… Bien droite sur sa longue tige… cœur turbiné… s’épanouit en grande corolle un peu floue, au parfum pénétrant... feuillage vert franc et ferme… Il se plaît mieux en climat chaud et sec, la fraîcheur humide le rendant sensible à l’oïdium. Morey US 1961.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 35. Avon® Hybrid Tea, dark red, 1961, 'Nocturne' x 'Chrysler Imperial'; Morey. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 171. Includes photo(s). Avon Large-flowered hybrid tea. Parentage: 'Nocturne' x 'Chrysler Imperial'. United States 1961. Description and cultivation... a great favourite in Australia where it is one of the best-loved red roses... large and well-formed high-centred blooms 10 cm (4 in) across... an excellent cutting rose...
Book (1990) Page(s) 62. Ted Phillips, Rosanna, Victoria. Some of the Darker Reds and Others. Avon I have always liked the summer and autumn flowers of this one, but always had nothing but blind shoots in the spring. Over the last few years I have observed a bed of approximately thirty plants which have few blind shoots in the spring. A good strong plant with plenty of flowers but the colour is lighter and duller than the preceding cultivars. Form can be to specimen bloom standard; flowers look good in a mixed colour arrangement but make a rather ordinary exhibition bunch.
Website/Catalog (1973) Page(s) 2. Includes photo(s). AVON ® JEPru 00391 - (Boerner 1962). Très grande fleur rouge intense, brillant. Haut. 60/80 cm (TP).
Website/Catalog (1970) Page(s) 7. Includes photo(s). AVON (Boerner 1962) M.D. Var. JEPru 00391. - Un des meilleurs rosiers rouges. Prix unit, par 1 ...6,65 par 5 et + ...6,20
Magazine (Sep 1969) Page(s) 3. trimester, p. 2. Includes photo(s). [advertisement by Vilmorin] [repeated 1. trimester 1971] AVON le plus beau rouge, le plus rustique des rouges. SILVER STAR le bleu mauve le plus vigoureux. GOLDEN GIANT Une pluie d'or dans votre jardin contrastant sur un feuillage vert foncé.
Book (1966) Page(s) 123. Roy and Heather Rumsey, Dural NSW. Our Twelve Best Sellers. Avon A nice red, of good shape and highly perfumed. It is a rose which is held very well on a good strong stem, with no side buds. The foliage is strong and disease-resistant, and the bushes flower quite well in our garden.
Website/Catalog (1966) Page(s) 18-19 (photo). Includes photo(s). AVON -(Boerner 1962) M.D. Var. JEPru 00391. Variété de grande classe à fleurs rouge intense et brillant. La fleur est remarquable tant en bouton long, à centre élevé que lors de la floraison où elle atteint plus de 20 cm de diamètre. Rose très parfumée. H. 0,60/0,80 m.