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'Paeonia' rose References
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 74.  
Paeonia HP. Good, reliable rebloom. Outstanding fragrance. Moderately stout, branching. Lacharme, 1855. ..Very large and old rose-like blooms glow with a rich, crimson pink. This has much of Gloire des Rosomanes about it.
Book  (Dec 2000)  Page(s) 270.  
Paeonia Hybrid Perpetual. François Lacharme 1855
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 428.  
Paeonia Hybrid Perpetual, dark red, 1855, Lacharme. Description.
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 189.  
Paeonia ('Plonia', 'Poeonia') Hybrid Perpetual. Lacharme 1855... crimson red... deep flashing crimson...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 535.  
Paeonia (HP) Lacharme 1855; crimson, large, double, floriferous, growth 7/10, robust
Website/Catalog  (1913)  Page(s) 25.  Includes photo(s).
Hybrid Perpetual Roses.
Pæonia is one of the hardiest of Roses, growing with little protection as far north as Minnesota. The plant is large, erect and bushy, and grows rapidly from the start. The flower is fiery red, the boldness of color causing it to stand out from among its fellows of the garden. Almost every bloom is large, full-formed and splendid, with an odor that is delightfully sweet. The amateur will find the Pæonia one of the most easily handled varieties, and can depend upon it to brighten the surroundings with the least possible attention paid to its comfort.
Magazine  (Aug 1906)  Page(s) 298.  
Liste de variétés propres à former des massifs de une ou plusieurs nuances à végétation égale et touffue : 
Hybrides remontants.— Baronne A. de Rothschild, Captain Christy, Duke of Edinburgh, Elisa Boëlle, Général Jacqueminot, Louis Van Houtte, J. Margottin, Marguerite de Romans, Merveille de Lyon, Paul Neyron, Pœonia, Ulrich Brunner, Victor Verdier, etc.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 131.  
8.432. Paeonia, Hybride Remontant, Lacharme 1855 cramoisi
Website/Catalog  (1888)  Page(s) 76.  
Hardy Roses.
Remontant or Hybrid Perpetual.  These bloom abundantly in June, and again moderately in Autumn, while a few varieties bloom freely during the Summer.  For general culture they are the most desirable.  
Price, 35 cents each.  Ten or more varieties, our choice, $3.00 per 10.
Pœonie...  Rose and scarlet, fragrant.
Magazine  (1888)  Page(s) 3, no.1.  
Eine Auslese der besten Rosen seit dem Jahre 1855 von Jean Soupert, in Firma Soupert & Notting, Luxemburg.
Im Jahre 1855 auf 1856 kamen 57 Sorten in den Handel und empfehlen wir nur noch folgende Varietäten:
8. Paeonia (Hybr. Rem., Lacharme); karmoisinrotes Kolorit, sehr reichblühend, unentbehrlich als Gruppenpflanze.

Translation: A Selection of the Best Roses since 1855 by Jean Soupert of Soupert & Notting in Luxembourg.
In 1855 to 1856, 57 sorts were introduced to commerce, and we recommend only the following varieties:
8. Paeonia (Hybrid Remontant, Lacharme); crimson-red coloring, very floriferous, indispensable as a plant for massing.
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