'Orchid Masterpiece, Cl.' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
3 APR 14 by
Well, I DID save a "body bag" of this one. Just also gave 30+ away due to space, guess it 'sucks" to be YOU Smokey, Trade Wind, Ivory Tower, Mrs. Herbert Stevens, Azure Sea, Marilyn Monroe, Dark Night and least as my mental construct goes. (And any new growers PLEASE do as I say and not as I DO for I just gave a friend my Marilyn Monroe yet I guard with MY LIFE Marmalade, here in wet HOT sticky HOT Ohio in the summer, lol). NOW: seems like what is OUT there really IS this variety???? I actually, I admit, have wanted this one for a few years and also think that maybe the BUSH is out there from Mea and wax/bagged and being sold as the climber???? Or is somehow the CLIMBER really OUT there now?
I have two of the climber in pots, that I bought bareroot at walmart last year. They are definitely the climber and definitely correct.
#2 of 5 posted
18 MAY 14 by
Thanks, Matt! Just now saw your response? How big do yours get? Not sure why, but anything I get as a climber never really climbs. Pinata just looked like a big, messy floribunda, same for Joseph's Coat. Golden Showers is a gorgeous pillar but not that much bigger than Fragrant Plum or Cherry Vanilla. Climbing Mrs. Sam McGredy throws out those long laterals but never longer than 6 feet? They all winter in an insulated garage so there's no winter kill here. Trying America and this one for the first time this year. Rescued a body bag Blaze as well. Not sure what I will do if any of these decide to really climb!
Mine has only produced 3 blooms in the last year but is shooting out a few climbing basals that are over 6 feet. I really don't want them to climb too much, just go up a wall a bit. I expect more and more frequent bloom will come as the plants mature.
#4 of 5 posted
11 APR 17 by
I have one that was planted in a pot but broke out and went to ground. It is huge and is covered with the most exquisite orchid purple flowers. Each flower is perfect form. We had a really wet year this year and my roses are going crazy with blooms.
#5 of 5 posted
29 APR 17 by
I have a Orchid Masterpiece that I got many years age. It was in a pot ---but it has gone to ground and found its own place in my garden. It climbs very beautifully on a tree in my orchard. This year it was covered from top to bottom with the most perfect HT show quality blooms. The drought is over yea. By the way its canes are at least 10 + feet long----and there are quite a few of them.
Available from - Mea nursery
Initial post
3 JAN 09 by
I bought and planted 2 Climbing Orchid Masterpieces and the one that bloomed doesn't look anytime like the pic you have posted, actually the pic you posted looks quite a bit like Angel Face.Or my Heirloom. I understand there may be different breeders but they (the roses) don't even resemble each other. If there is a way to post a pic I can. Perhaps the packer in Texas was drunk when he packed and labeled mine...*LOL
Kale Mi.Zone 5
If you are going to sign your posts anyway, it would be great to have you use the HMF member maintenance to tell us more about you and your garden. You are welcome to remain "anonymous" but it's so much more helpful if you tell us a little about yourself so we can put your comments into an experience and general location context. Thanks.
#2 of 4 posted
5 JAN 09 by
If you are going to sign your posts anyway, it would be great to have you use the HMF member maintenance to tell us more about you and your garden. You are welcome to remain "anonymous" but it's so much more helpful if you tell us a little about yourself so we can put your comments into an experience and general location context. Thanks. I just thought Id write to those interested in the rose.I grow more then several and just though it was rather interesting. At this point nothing in a profile would help my post.I was just offering a statement of interest to those and myself.If this is a forum ,I am too busy at this time.If one want s to pay me for a service then we can talk business.I really do not have the time to write in closed forums if that is what it is.Do not have a clue as to what this means.
"experience and general location context."
Just stopped by to perhaps help out.. was showing someone the difference between mine and your roses and got curious. Is this a CLOSED FORUM?
Still curious.. Kale:)
This is not a closed forum and no one is paid for their contributions to HMF.
Kale, I don't know which company packed the rose you bought as Orchid Masterpiece, but roses packed by some of the companies, especially Sexton and Certified, are frequently mislabeled, so there may be more truth than you realized when you talked about the person who packed your rose plant.
This rose is available at Lowe's as a body bagged rose in the 08/09 season, i.e. now for California.