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'Rosa sertata Rolfe' rose References
Article (newsletter)  (Nov 2017)  Page(s) 13.  Includes photo(s).
R. sertata is a species Wilson met with several times, from 1901 to 1910 during his four trips to China. Pink or rose in color, its petals are emarginate (a notch in the petals). The flowers bloom in small clusters, and the reddish canes boast a few straight prickles. Upright and arching, this China rose may be an extreme form of R. webbiana found in Tibet, Afghanistan, and the Himalayas.
Article (magazine)  (2008)  Page(s) 66.  
Table 3.
R. sertata Rolfe Assigned DNA Ploidy=4 Published ploidy=2
Book  (1 May 2003)  
Rosa sertata Rolfe, Bot. Mag. 139: t. 8473. 1913.
Shrubs 1–2 m tall. Branchlets terete, slender, glabrous; prickles paired below leaves, and sometimes sparsely scattered, terete, straight, to 8 mm, fine, abruptly tapering to a disclike base. Leaves including petiole 5–8 cm; stipules mostly adnate to petiole, free parts ovate, glabrous, auriculate, margin glandular-pubescent, apex acuminate; rachis and petiole sparsely pubescent, glandular-pubescent, and shortly prickly; leaflets 7–15, broadly elliptic or ovate-elliptic, (0.6–)1–2.5 × 0.7–1.5 cm, glabrous or abaxially along midvein sparsely pubescent, with prominent midvein and lateral veins, base subrounded, margin simply serrate to doubly serrate, entire near base, apex acute or rounded-obtuse. Flowers solitary, or 2 or 3 or more in a corymb, 2–3.5 cm in diam.; pedicel 1.5–3 cm, glabrous or sparsely glandular-pubescent; bracteoles 1–3; bracts ovate, margin glandular-pubescent, apex shortly acuminate. Hypanthium ovoid, glabrous or rarely sparsely stipitate glandular. Sepals 5, ovate-lanceolate, leaflike, abaxially glabrous, adaxially densely yellowish white pubescent, margin entire, apex elongate. Petals 5, pink or rose, broadly obovate, base broadly cuneate, apex emarginate. Styles free, shorter than stamens, pubescent. Hip deep red, ovoid, 1.2–2 × ca. 1 cm, glabrous or rarely sparsely stipitate glandular, with a short neck at apex; sepals persistent, erect. Fl. Jun, fr. Aug–Oct.
Sparse woods, slopes, stream sides, roadsides; 1400--2200 m. Anhui, Gansu, Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang.
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 112.  
R. hwangshanensis, according to the Botanical Garden Berlin-Dahlem, originates from China, province Anhuei, from the Huanshan mountains. She belongs without doubt to the Cinnamomea-series, in a group together with R. caudata, R. banksiopsis, R. macrophylla, R. setipoda, R. hemsleyana, R. sweginzowii, R. giraldii, R. prattii and R. multibracteata.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 172.  
location 226/2, R. sertata Rolfe, CINNAMOMEAE, western China, Kansu, Yunnan, 1904, pink, single, fragrant, medium size, cluster-flowered, floriferous, upright-arching, branched, 1.5-2 m, bristles and few prickles, dark green small-medium matte foliage, red canes, 7-9 leaflets, dark red large glossy ovoid fruits
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 280.  
R. sertata Rolfe. Similar to R. webbiana, but flowers larger, more intensely colored, growth taller and looser, leaflets more serrate. Shrub 0.7-2m./2.3-6.6 ft. high, stems red-brown, with glaucous bloom, arching, with few, straight, mostly paired prickles; leaves 6-10 cm./2.4-4 in. long, leaflets 7-11, elliptic, 1.5-2 cm./0.6-0.8 in. long, sharply serrate, glaucous and bald beneath; flowers up to 4 together on short branches, pink, 3-5 cm./1.2-2 in. across, June; sepals pointed, entire, persisting; calyx smooth or hispid; fruits ovoid, 2 cm./0.8 in. long, dark red. 2n=14. ICS 2227; BM 8473; D. RHS 1820. (=R. macrophylla f. gracilis Focke). W. China; Kansu, Yunnan. 1904.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 78.  
sertata Rolfe (Cinn.- Asiatic) [ploidy] 14
Magazine  (1918)  Page(s) 260.  
"Mildew-Resistant Roses: With Some Suggestions as to Increasing Their Number" By Walter Easlea, F.R.H.S.
[Read July 17, 1917; Mr. W. H. Divers, V.M.H., in the Chair.]
Various Roses.
Book  (1917)  Page(s) 48.  
Mrs. H. R. Darlington. The Flower and the Leaf. 
Webbiana has small delicately-cut leaves of a glaucous shade with soft pinkish-red stipules, and the newer sertata, I believe, makes a bush of similar appearance.
Magazine  (Jan 1913)  Page(s) tab 8473.  Includes photo(s).
ROSA sertata.
Rosaceae. Tribe Roseae.
Rosa, Linn. ; Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Plant. vol. i. p. 625.
Rosa (§ Cinnamomeae) sertata, Rolfe; species ex affinitate R. Webbianae, Wall., a qua habitu laxiori, aculeis tenuioribus, foliis longioribus et fructu angustiori differt.
Frutex ramosus, 1-1.5 m. altus; ramuli glauci, aculeis geminatis rectis gracilibus circiter 1 cm. longis armati, vel rarius inermes. Folia conferta, 4-10 cm. longa, 7-11-foliolata ; rhachis sparse glanduloso-setulosa et aculeolata; foliola subsessilia, elliptica vel elliptico-oblonga, obtusa, acute dentata, subtus glauca, 1-2 cm. longa; stipulae adnatae, anguste oblongae, acutae vel subobtusae, ciliato-glandulosae. 8-10 mm. longae. Flores speciosi, rosei vel roseo-purpurei, 5-6 cm. diametro, in ramulorum brevium apicibus pauci vel solitarii ; pedunculi 1.5-3 cm. longi, glanduloso-setulosi vel laeves. Receptaculum anguste ovoideum, glanduloso-setulosum vel laeve, 5-10 mm. longum. Calycis, lobi ovato-lanceolati, caudato-acuminati, interdum foliacei, puberuli, glanduloso-setulosi vel laevi. 1-2 cm. longi, subpatentes. Petala late obcordata. Filamenta glabra, 3-5 mm. longa, antheris aureis. Fructus ovoidius, apice altecuatus, saturate ruber, circiter 2 cm. longus, sepalis persistentibus. Achaenium basi et dorso villosum, 3 mm. longum; styli villosi in columnam 4mm. longam cohaerentes.— R. Webbiana, Vilmorin in Fruticet. Vilmorin. p. 93; nec Wall.— R. A. Rolfe.

The handsome Rose here figured is one grown from Chinese seeds obtained by Mr. E. H. Wilson on behalf of Messrs. J. Veitch and Sons, which flowered in the Kew collection in June 1910. The flowers show that it is identical with another plant collected by Mr. A. Henry, which the late Professor Crepin thought might be a small-leaved form of R. macrophylla, Lindl., and with two other Chinese plants presented by Messrs. Vilmorin, Andrieux, as R. Webbiana, Wall. Neither of the suggestions hitherto offered is, however, wholly satisfactory. From R. macrophylla the species here described as R. sertata differs in its much smaller rounded leaflets and in numerous other details ; from R. Webbiana it is easily distinguished by its laxer habit, its few slender straight stipulary thorns, and its more slender, beaked fruit. It is more nearly allied to R. Willmottiae, Hemsl., a plant figured at t. 8 1 8(5 of this work, than it is to R. Webbiana, but R. Willmottiae is a much smaller plant in all its parts than the subject of our plate. In gardens R. sertata will be valued for its graceful habit; it makes long slender shoots which in the following season become gracefully arched and bear in mid- June a profusion of its beautiful flowers followed by richly coloured fruits, while it has the finely cut, daintily formed leaves and the glaucous stems that have rendered its allies R. Webbiana and R. Willmottiae such favourites among wild roses. It has so far succeeded well in stiff loam and gives promise of being a more vigorous shrub in gardens than R. Webbiana. So far the only experience of its propagation has been from seed, but it is probable that, like R. Webbiana, it may be increased by layers and perhaps by autumn cuttings.

Description. — Shrub, branched, 3-5 ft. high ; twigs glaucous, armed with straight, slender, geminate prickles over 1/3 in. long, rarely unarmed. Leaves clustered, 1 3/4-4 in. long, 7-11-foliolate, rachis sparingly glandular-setulose and prickly ; leaflets subsessile, elliptic or elliptic-oblong, obtuse, sharply toothed, glaucous beneath, 1/3-3/4 in. long, stipules adnate, narrow-oblong, acute or somewhat blunt, ciliate-glandular, 1/3 in. long. Flowers showy, rose or rose-purple, 2-2 1/4 in. across, few or solitary at the ends of abbreviated twigs; peduncles 2/3-1 1/4 in. long, glandular-setulose or smooth. Receptacle narrow-ovoid, glandular-setulose or smooth, 1/5-1/3 in. long. Calyx lobes ovate-lanceolate, caudate-acuminate, sometimes leafy, puberulous, glandular-setulose or smooth, 1/3-3/4 in. long, somewhat spreading. Petals wide-obcordate. Filaments glabrous, 1/8-1/5 in. long; anthers golden-yellow. Fruit ovoid, narrowed at the top, deep red, about 3/4 in. long, crowned by the persistent sepals. Achenes villous at the base and on the back, 1/8 in. long ; styles villous, cohering in a column 1/6 in. long.

Figs. 1 and 2, stamens; 3, a carpel; 4, ripe fruits: - all enlarged except 4, which is of natural size.
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