'JACzorba' rose Reviews & Comments
EMILE DEBROISE chez Guillot France. Maurice
#1 of 11 posted
30 SEP 07 by
I have to let my stupidity show, is this the name of a climbing rose? Please bear with me, I am very new to roses. My husband and I decided that planting annuals was a waste of money so we started planting perennials this year. However, I just know a gorgeous rose would show so beautifully between my garage windows.
Vous pouvez essayer : MEIviolin ( Pierre de Ronsard - Eden Rose ) COMPASSION ( Belle de Londres) MEIgronurisar (RIMOSA cl. - GOLD BADGE cl.) - 3 magnifiques climbings sans problèmes. Plus original : WEKroalt ( FOURTH OF JULI - CRAZY FOR YOU - HANABI) : un rosier étonnant ! et pour ma part j'aime beaucoup POUlight (NIGHT LIGHT) et KORmolet (SALITA) mais ils sont plus difficiles à trouver. Maurice
Bonsoir, Maurice. Il me semble que Barb demandait également si ce rosier était un rosier grimpant ... Mais je vais regarder vos suggestions moi-même. Merci de la part de nous tous!! Judith.
Bonjour Judith - Effectivement JACzorba n'est pas un grimpant , merci de votre aide. D'autre part nous avions parlé de roses blanches,et je dois vous dire que j'aime beaucoup ICE CREAM que vous avez dans votre jardin,et qui,me semble t'il,a beaucoup de qualités !.... mais je veux surtout vous signaler une nouvelle rose : DOUCE BLANCHE (Pépinières de la Saulaie) que j'ai depuis 2 ans,et que j'ai vraiment trouvé trés belle sur un rosier vigoureux.(Elle pourrait peut-être vous réconcilier avec les roses blanches !!). Dans une teinte douce ( jaune beurre clair) vous connaissez sans doute ELINA qui est un rosier extraordinaire qu'il faut recommander sans restrictions !! Prévoir seulement de la place pour le rosier , car dans des conditions de culture normale , il devient spectaculaire. A l'occasion vous me donnerez vos impressions sur SALVATION (HARKNESS) que vous avez aussi dans votre jardin (vous avez réussi de belles photos de cette rose !) Maurice.
Merci, Maurice! Je regarderai tout ça de plus près. Je pensais à Elina, mais je me demandais si elle n'était pas un peu délicate ... apparemment non, alors. Je viens de commander Caroline Victoria, d'outre-Manche, une autre blanche ... Mais je note tout ça. Concernant Salvation, je vous répondrai sur sa fiche ... ;-)
I don't know whether you understood Maurice's reply, Barb - but this rose is not a climber ... He does recommend others, however ...
#7 of 11 posted
5 OCT 07 by
Judith, Thank you so much for the translation...I had no idea what the gentleman said. In fact, I printed it off and took it to my daughter who took French in school. I will try to research those roses as soon as I have a couple of minutes to spare. We have a training/showing horse facility for Arabian and part Arabian horses so its time to get things cleaned up and ready for the cold weather. Again, thanks, Barb
There are many, many ways to search for roses on HMF. I have already taken you through some steps to find white climbers. You can also take just any rose name and put it into the rose search field to get the link to the rose page. If a rose has a climbing habit, you can check the rose page for the information.
btw... there is a wonderful article about climbers in our Ezine archives.... here's one way to get to the article: 1. Click on EZINE on the navigation bar to the left 2. Click on the drop down box for the month. This time, sroll UP the date bar until you get to AUGUST 2007. Click on AUGUST. 3. Scroll down the titles of the articles until you reach Pastsy Cunningham's article on climbing roses. 4. Click on the blue title and you will have some good reading about climbers.
Smiles, Lyn
#9 of 11 posted
6 OCT 07 by
You're such a help. I plan on giving it a shot this weekend if time allows. Things get rather hectic around here at this time of the year. We have a horse facility and try to do serious cleaning and winterizing before its too cold. Mid-October oftentimes brings some snow.
Thanks, Barb
I understand completely.... I am going at a dead run to get things done before the end of October, too. Unfortunately, it's getting too cold sooner this year. I am afraid I won't get it all done.
Smiles, Lyn
Oct 2010: Barb, I believe that CITRUS BURST, 09 is the climber you are looking for, which is the son of JohannStrauss & Fourth of July. Here in NorCAL Regan's Nursery & SummerWinds Nurseries carry this climber. You might try JACOB's ROBE, climber as it has similar colors. I agree that a climber does improve the look of garage doors!
This rose is susceptible to powdery mildew when temperatures swing from hot day to cool nights.
I'd grow this rose for the foilage alone. It is a beautiful chocolate brown coming out. It didn't have any disease even though we had a wet and dreary summer in '08. Oh, and the flowers are bright and cheery too!
Incredible rose. Beautiful glossy burgundy foliage. Resistant to bugs, disease, heat, drought (I water regularly) and humidity. This is an outstanding rose for Texas (in my garden at least).
Austin TX Zone 8