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'Winnie Davis, Cl.' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 139-105
most recent 2 MAR 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 MAR 23 by Patricia Routley
Because of the colour, I suspect that ‘ Winnie Davis Climbing’ may have been be a sport of the salmon pink Winnie Davis (hybrid tea, Nanz & Neuner, 1902) and not as shown, the white Winnie Davis (Tea, Little 1892)
Discussion id : 105-822
most recent 2 OCT 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 OCT 17 by CybeRose
California Rose Co. (Feb 1916)
Pomona, Cal.
Clbg. Winnie Davis H. T. sal-pk 15.00 (per 100)

California Rose Co. (1917-1918)
Los Angeles, Cal.
Climbing Winnie Davis H. T.
(Cal. Rose Co., 1913)
A true CLIMBING sport from the bush sort, Winnie Davis: of extremely strong climbing habit and very prolific of bloom; well branched and foliaged from the ground. Bloom of fine size, with buds and half-blown flower shaped and moulded in absolute perfection; of nice substance and moderately full. Color, salmon-pink, shading to shell-pink and perle. This is undoubtedly one of the greatest acquisitions to the climbing rose family yet produced. 50 cts.
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