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'Electra' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 20-266
most recent 10 JUL 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 JUL 07 by Wendy C
Electra is in its second season in my zone 5/6 garden.
It wintered well, but was lost to the ground by a late freeze. I was afraid I'd lost it, as yellows tend to be tender, but as you can see by the photos I posted it came back full force.
The temps have been high 90's low 100's and this is the bloom I'm getting.
It has a spreading habit, but that is easily forgiven given its performance. I've not seen any disease at all here in the Inland NW.
The yellow blooms mature to a nice cream which don't seem to water stain or brown in the sun.
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