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'Madame Jules Gravereaux' rose References
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 101-102.  
Mme. Jules Gravereaux Climbing Tea. Soupert & Notting 1900. Cites from various sources: "Buff-white, shaded peach...extremely large, very full; color, chamois-yellow, with a peach-pink center and dawn-gold reflections...buff-white with rose and yellow shading... vigorous to 12 ft. ... It resembles, in the form of the plant as well as in its abundant autumn flowering, 'Gloire de Dijon'."
Book  (Nov 1993)  Page(s) 62.  
Mme. Jules Gravereaux Flowers: large, buff with a golden tone and tinged with apricot...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 340.  
Mme. Jules Gravereaux Climbing Tea, apricot, apricot blend, 1901, 'Rêve d'Or' x 'Viscountess Folkestone'; Soupert & Notting. Description.
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 162.  
Mme. Jules Gravereaux Tea climber. Parentage: 'Rêve d'Or' x 'Viscountess Folkestone'. Luxembourg 1901. Description and cultivation... The large, full, fragrant blooms are a gorgeous concoction of peach, apricot and pink lit by gold...
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 220.  
Mme Jules Gravereux Soupert & Notting, 1900. Hybrid Tea. Parentage: 'Rêve d'Or' x 'Viscountess Folkestone'. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Magazine  (1991)  Page(s) 7.  
In January my daughter and I went to order our species bulbs from Glenbrook Bulb Farm. Rod Barwick took us to see an old rose which he said had been growing in Claremont for at least 70 years. His mother remembered it growing over the fence as she passed along the road to school when she was six years old. He thought it must have been a newish rose then as “The Rusts had everything – they were rich, you know!” (A wonderful childhood memory which I am sure the Rusts would love; they are still around.)
So we worked out that allowing for importation and a few inaccuracies of memory we were looking for something around the turn of the century up to 1920. I took home a couple of flowers of what we agreed to call “Rust’s Rose” pro tem. And I started going through the books looking for an apricot climber of the right vintage. With the help of other rosarians we came up with some possibilities but nothing really fitted. We went back to pick up the bulbs and get cuttings of this delicious rose with its delicate perfume. This time two more flowers were given and immediately upon opening Peter Beales’ Classic Roses there was a portrait of one of these roses! As the rose opened the more it looked like Mme Jules Gravereaux!
This rose was introduced by Soupert and Notting in 1901. ‘Reve d’Or’ x Vicountess Folkestone. Peter Beales description fits perfectly and it is obviously quite hardy in this part of Tasmania as its provenance shows.
I would that all our searches could have such a speedy conclusion.
Lilia Weatherly, Tasmania.
from: 'Mme Jules Gravereaux found in Tasmania' Journal of Heritage Roses in Australia Vol 13 No 3, September 1991.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 82.  Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 26.  
Mme. Jules Gravereaux (Climbing Tea) Yellowish-buff, shaded peach with pink undertones. Large, double flowers. Slight scent. Good foliage. 1901. (S) 12 x 8’
Book  (1975)  Page(s) 45.  
from the article 'Tea Roses: A Survey' by L. Arthur Wyatt.
Notable among the survivors are the famous 'Maman Cochet' in a colour combination not repeated until the arrival of 'Kordes' Perfekta' more than sixty years later, 'Mme. Jules Gravereaux' sent out as a Climbing Tea but more likely to remain a large bush in our climate,....
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 56.  
Climbing Roses for Conservatory
For Conservatory climbing we can supply strong plants specially grown for this purpose. The undernoted varieties can be supplied in pots, strong plants with long shoots.
Madame Jules Gravereaux, deep yellow, centre rosy peach.
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