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'Golden Gate ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 87-349
most recent 21 JUL 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 15 AUG 15 by johnm99
I wonder - is this now the best yellow climber? I have enjoyed quite a few over 30 years - but I don't think I have grown or seen a better one.

It really is a wonderful rose - very rich yellow, quite good fragrance, so far with me zero disease - very vigorous, canes a little stiff but can be trained and bent over time - quite a sight in full bloom.
Reply #1 of 8 posted 30 JAN 16 by perpetua
hello!i haven't bought golden gate yet(it's on my wishlist though),but i've just ordered gardeners' is supposed to be "the best" yellow climber.i also plan to get lady hillingdon clg,royal gold and the pilgrim you happen to have them?how would you rate them?
Reply #2 of 8 posted 30 JAN 16 by johnm99
Not personaly familiar with Gardener's Glory - only know about it from catalogs - Lady Hillingdon is a fine rose. It is in fact a climbing tea rose - more orange-yellow, very attractive, and more fragrant - very fragrant rose. It does get some disease - probably "average" disease resistance compared to the exceptional almost disease free resistance we now see from Kordes roses. I have only seen it in public gardens - I hope to get a cutting this year - can't be found in Canada as far as I can see. I think it is a bit larger than Golden Gate. Flower form is different - both are very attractive. If you can get Lady Hillingdon, I would suggest you do. And also Golden Gate!

The Pilgrim is a very nice colour, a bit lighter or "fresher" yellow, whitish on the outside, many more petals - good fragrance, does get some disease, not quite really a climber but can be trained to climb modestly. I really like mine.

Also from Austin - Teasing Georgia - very similar size to The Pilgrim, highly double, fragrant, also large shrub/short climber - well worth growing. I go back and forth trying to decide which I like more

And, Graham Thomas - I like it so much as a short climber that I forgive its blackspot and mildew - which isn't all that bad, probably "average" - but again, the really striking feature of Kordes roses is the almost complete lack of disease.

The older Golden Showers is very floriferous, modest size, very few thorns, but some disease. That rose has given me a lot of pleasure in the past, but not presently growing it.

If you want a spectacular yellow climber and have the room - try Mermaid. I had one 25 years ago in another house, and just planted a new one last year. It is single flowered, and is extremely vigorous - famous for its hooked thorns - which one DOES notice!

Gardener's Glory seems very interesting - looks like a new version of Golden Showers probably more fragrant and one would hope better disease resistance. I don't think I can source it here in Canada - used to be able to import directly from Harkness, Peter Beales and others but thanks to our ridiculously picky government we can no longer do that....
Reply #3 of 8 posted 31 JAN 16 by perpetua
thank you for such a detailed answer!i got g.glory from fryer's,it's such a pity you can't order roses from england!can you order from france?i've just written to andre eve to ask them if they make deliveries in canada,hope to get a reply soon!i know how you feel,because i'm trying to find leaping salmon and galway bay(two climbers,don't even ask why) and i've actually found them at a nursery in england(and sooo cheap too),but surprise! they don't make deliveries in france!thanks to your ratings,i'm now seriously thinking about getting all the yellow roses you've far,my best climbers are crimson glory,rosanna and louise odier,but of course it's too early to say,as i've only started to grow roses 4 years ago...i am getting l.hillingdon this spring,i'm thinking about pairing it with a red climber for contrast,haven't made up my mind yet.have to admit i'm a bit wary of d.austin roses,as i've had a bit of a disappointment with wollerton old hall-decided to train it as a climber(huuge mistake),and now,despite my best efforts,it will only bloom at the very tip of its branches.again,it's just its second flowering year,maybe it needs to get established,one can always hope,right?also tried to train brother cadfael as a climber,the result was atrocious-lanky,spindly,very few flowers,very stiff unwieldy canes,i finally gave it up as a bad job,currently letting it have a go as a sort of scrawny bush.i'll let you know about andre eve as soon as i get a reply.
Reply #4 of 8 posted 31 JAN 16 by Nastarana
Perpetua, you might want to look at 'Goldregen', from Noack. It has huge, ruffled flowers in a pretty, soft yellow, maybe a shade lighter than 'Graham Thomas'. The strong stems grow rapidly straight up, so maybe more of a pillar rose than a rambler? Good rebloom and not much disease for me. It is borderline hardy for me in zone 5a in upstate NY, USA, in that it always grows back, so far for five years, but does not necessarily bloom every year. It ought to be very good in Romania. IIMHO, do yourself a favor and do not give garden space to 'Golden Showers'.

If you like 'Lady Hillingdon' you might also look at 'Merechal Niel', if your climate will support Noisettes. MN is still one of the best and most beautiful yellow roses ever introduced, but is very tender.
Reply #6 of 8 posted 1 FEB 16 by perpetua
thank you for your feedback!i do know about marechal niel and have been tempted to try for some time now,but its tenderness kind of puts me off.early days to say if noisettes thrive in my garden(i'm getting blush noisette and jaune desprez this spring,hope they like my climate,planted La Biche(Trouillet,1832) and L'abondance(Moreau-Robert 1887) very early noisettes and they are doing very well -listed as shrubs/climbers,they will probably take forever to climb,as they bloomed profusely barely 4 months in the ground!La biche flowered 4times in its fist summer,planted in spring!it is flexible,but l'abondance is so stiff and shrubby that i'm not even going to try to train it as a climber,which is a pity,because i planted it next to a pillar.i understand that alistair stella grey(also on my wishlist)takes forever to climb,because it flowers so abundantly,i guess it's a noisette thing.i plan to order from tantau next spring(i plan way too much,i know,just made my first order with kordes,i'm so excited),and i will definitely add Goldenregen to my list.i might take a chance on marechal niel,i've till next autumn to decide.finding a good spot for it is also very important.
Reply #5 of 8 posted 1 FEB 16 by johnm99
The problem with importing roses into Canada from retail nurseries is that the Canadian government imposed new restrictions which almost no nursery would ever commit to, since the process could even endanger their domestic operations. I used to import roses from England in the 90s, but now we are pretty well cut off from English nurseries. You can import from a few of the largest nurseries in Europe but they have a large minimum order. We do get our domestic growers selling varieties from overseas but we have lost some of our best domestic nurseries with the terrible contraction in the rose business we have seen.
You say Wollerton only bloomed at the tip of its branches - I presume you were training canes sideways? (you have to trick each bud into thinking it is the uppermost one on its branch - then they flower instead of growing a new cane). Still, the habit of some of the larger Austin shrubs is not great for climbing. Of course, a lot of the Austin roses are not really bedding roses - they are too large. But, with smart marketing, that becomes an advantage so you can also list it as a climber!
Reply #7 of 8 posted 1 FEB 16 by perpetua
that's just awful!i can only imagine the pain of all rose-lovers in canada.oh,i had no idea about large minimum orders,that evidently alters the situation.fabien ducher,another reputable breeder from france,ships to japan,maybe also to canada?regarding w.o.hall,yes,i bent it as laterally as possible,that's why it's so exasperating,i don't know what else to's also in a very good spot,next to louise odier and mme isaac pereire and the contrast is discouraging.plenty of foliage,though;the flowers are pretty,the scent is ok(to my untrained nose,it smells just like st.swithun,but it's not half as floriferous,i basically bought it for the supposedly strong perfume,again,it's very young,perhaps scent will strenghten),but it's not as beautiful as the other two roses i mentioned.another rose that's doing not so great is aloha boerner,listed as shrub/climber,it's growing so awkwardly,it's an embarassment;also,extremely stiff canes,training it is hell,precious little of it to train at that.i'm thinking of planting another climber next to it in order to cover up its scrawny growth.maybe dreamweaver or jasmina.
Reply #8 of 8 posted 21 JUL 22 by Michael Garhart
I don't think it is the best, but I think it is quite unique. A climber from the 1970s called 'Dreaming Spires'. Easy to grow. Large blooms. Good summer color. An old gold with some bronzing and dark stamens makes it quite unique. Fragrant, as well.

Autumn Sunset is somewhat similar, but more in clusters and floribunda-size blooms. Another "old gold" type of yellow climber.

As far as the best, I am not sure there is one that stands out for such a title. I grew 'Scent from Above' a decade ago, and it was okay and checked all of the boxes. Weeks Roses has put out two new yellow climbers recently, but neither have really persuaded me to see them as improvements over 'Autumn Sunset'. Kordes has quite a few yellows, and many seem quite healthy, but Kordes tends to make climbers that eat yards, and I would like to avoid dealing with that. Kordes health on a plant like 'Scent from Above' but with better blooms (better yellow color) would be closest to the best. I don't think that exists yet.
Discussion id : 105-362
most recent 6 SEP 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 SEP 17 by BarbaraG SE Virginia
Available from - Antique Rose Emporium
Discussion id : 87-350
most recent 15 AUG 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 AUG 15 by johnm99
In response to our colleague Fredrik below, I would say this has very good rain resistance - does not ball up, heavy rain causes petals to fall, but pretty good even after considerable rain.
Discussion id : 72-379
most recent 15 JUN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 JUN 13 by Hovman
This rose is a strong grower and winter hardy (tip hardy) in Toronto , Canada. It is a spectacular yellow climber I think it is worth trying it in colder zones.
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