'Baby Romantica ®' rose References
Website/Catalog (15 Aug 2015) http://pro.meillandrichardier.com
Baby Romantica fleurs originales en forme de renoncules d'un chaud coloris ocre suffusé de rose et blanc.
Website/Catalog (14 Aug 2015) Name: Baby Romantica® Synonyms: 'Meipaonia' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Baby Romantica® Min, yb, Meilland; flowers ocher yellow with pink edges, 5-6 cm., dbl., cupped , borne in clusters; recurrent; growth 12 - 16 in. greenhouse, 3 ft. in garden. Introductions: Meilland International, 2004. greenhouse rose
Website/Catalog (14 Aug 2015) https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.plantes-et-jardins.com/p/4225-rosier-baby-romantica-meipaonia&prev=search
Rose Baby Romantica® MEIpaonia stands out for its delicate pink flower suffused ocher and white. It reaches 8 to 9 cm in diameter and consists of 90 petals. It also reveals a very light scent.
Website/Catalog (2012) Website
Baby Romantica, ('Meipaonia'), Min, yb, Meilland; flowers ocher yellow with pink edges, dbl.; growth 12 - 16 in.