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'My Sister' rose References
Book  (2007)  
p130. Doug Grant. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2006-07 Season. Miniatures.
'My Sister'. SOCsis. Eagle 1999. 5 reports; 11 plants. Garden 4.6, Exhibition 4.6. Short/medium; health 4.1; fragrance 1.0; pure white blooms. Canterbury: a true white and fragrant. Marlborough: has been discarded, did not do well, seemed to go backwards each year. Northland: just an average garden rose.

p134. Final Analysis. 2007. 'My Sister' SOCsis. Eagle 1999. Miniature. 37 reports, 69 plants. Garden 6.2, Exhibition 6.2, height short/med, some disease, medium fragrance. white blooms with good form. slow to establish, and slow to repeat, blooms can be rather sparse. Some blackspot and powdery mildew.
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 115.  
Peter Bamber. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2005-2006 Season. Miniatures/Patios.
'My Sister'. (SOCsis). Eagle 1999. Garden rating 5.3, Exhibition rating 6.7. 10 bushes, 6 reports. some health problems; no fragrance; short to medium height; pure white flowers. Southland - disease prone and not a good grower. Canterbury says pure white flowers with a fragrance. Waikato is disappointed with this rose, has few flowers and many health problems. Another Canterbury grower - flowers are pretty but sparse, will pot it up next season and give it one more chance. Marlborough has discarded it as it did not perform well.
Magazine  (Oct 2003)  Page(s) 36.  
'SOCsis', Min, w, 2003, (My Sister), [Winter Magic x seedling], Eagle, B & D ... description
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 118.  
Peter Bamber. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2002-2003 Season. Miniatures/Patios.
'My Sister' (SOCsis). Eagle 1999; Garden rating 7.2; Exhibition rating 7.1. Some health problems; medium fragrance; medium height; pure white flowers. Southland reports poor growth; mildew and black spot. South Canterbury blooms rather sparse but very nice shape and good for exhibiting; worth persisting with. Canterbury bush has been slow to mature but has fragrant small stems. Bay of Plenty - improving; grey white, slow to repeat. Not many blooms.
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 106.  
Gerard Williams. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2001-2002 Season. Miniatures/Patios.
'My Sister' (SOCsis) Eagle 1999; 12 reports on 23 bushes; 1-3 years; 40cms; 6.8 rating. White flowers, fragrant, medium sized bush. Bay of Plenty says a strong growing rose. Blooms have nice scent but lack substance. North Otago has quick repeat and like the pure colour. Healthy bush with good small stems. Southland says plants aren't doing well yet. Otago has nice exhibition blooms with good perfume but the bushes are struggling a bit. Rodney finds the bush slow to start but it has nice blooms. Canterbury likes the pure white perfumed blooms. Marlborough says slow to establish and not many blooms but the form and the colour is good. Another Otago grower finds their bushes healthy and the fragrance lovely. The flowers make good small or large sterns or even good exhibition blooms, if disbudded.
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 109.  
Gerard Williams. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2000-2001 Season. Miniatures.
'My Sister' (SOCsis) Eagle 1999; white flowers; fragrant; medium sized bush; 4 reports on 5 bushes; 1-2 years; 40cm; 7.0 rating. Napier says slow to get going with lovely blooms but not many. Bay of Plenty like the greeny white colour. The plant is healthy but not many flowers. North Otago has quick repeat and like the pure colour. Central Otago get good exhibition blooms.
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