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'SOCblue' rose References
Book  (2008)  
p132. Doug Grant. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2006-2007 Season. Miniature/Patios.
'Scentillating Blues'. (SOCblue) Eagle 2000. 3 reports. 5 plants; Garden 5.3, Exhibition 6.0. Medium height; health 5.7; fragrance 5.5; lilac blue lavender blooms. Kapiti: No rust this year. Nelson: Hasn't perfomed well. Canterbury: Needs heat to grow and flower well.

p135 Doug Grant. Final Analysis 2008
'Scentillating Blues' (SOCblue) Eagle 2000. Miniature. 32 Reports. 64 Plants. Garden 6.3, Exhibition 6.6. Medium height, Average health, moderate fragrance. Blooms lilac blue lavender. Nice colour and fragrance. not over-vigorous.
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 130.  
p130 Doug Grant. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2006-2007 Season. Miniatures/Patios.
'Scentillating Blues' (SOCblue) Eagle. 2000: 5 Reports: 9 Plants: Garden 5.6, Exhibition 6.5: Short/medium: Health 5.2: Fragrance 5.5: Lilac blue lavender blooms. Northland: nice colour with good perfume. Waikato: lovely colour and scent but slow to get going. Canterbury: does better when hot, great perfume. Otago: lovely colour.
Book  (2005)  Page(s) 116.  
Peter Bamber. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2004-2005 Season. Miniatures/Patios.
'Scentillating Blues' (SOCblue). Eagle 2000. Garden rating 6.5, Exhibition rating 6.8. 8 bushes; 5 reports. Some health problems; moderate fragrance; medium height; lilac blue lavender flowers. Northland - something different, nice colour. Waitkato - bush is struggling but the unusual mauve flowers are scented. Very pretty. Canterbury - health problems have increased each season, sadly, as the fragrance is lovely. BOP - lavender colour but lacks vigour. It must not like light soils.
Magazine  (Oct 2003)  Page(s) 36.  
'SOCblue', MinFl, m, 2003, (Scentillating Blues) ... description
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 107.  
Gerard Williams. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2001-2002 Season. Miniatures/Patios.
'Scentillating Blues'. (SOCblue) Eagle 2000; 11 reports on 21 bushes; 1-3 years; 50cms; 7.0 rating. Lilac blue blooms, fragrant. Lots of reports on this new rose. Napier likes the colour and frilly petals. North Otago says the same and finds their bush healthy. Southland has a tallish attractive bush with wavy fully open blooms. Healthy with nice perfume. Auckland do not have a robust plant and not many flowers. Marlborough find the flowers fleeting and not many of them. Canterbury say very fragrant and good colour but needs time to establish. Another Canterbury grower finds it healthy with lots of new growth and very fragrant.
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