'Assiniboine' rose References
Book (2012) Page(s) 100. Assiniboine. Deep pink. 10-13 [petals]. 48". Intermittent [bloom]. A Parkland rose. A suffulta hybrid. Dense, upright. Lovely, 3-inch (7.5-cm) flowers with slight fragrance. Flowers often red to purplish. Attractive, glossy foliage. Hips in fall. Somewhat susceptible to disease, but very hardy and agood choice for the far north (zone 3).
Book (2007) 'Assiniboine' Shrub, deep pink, H. H. Marshall. Intro. Canada Dept. of Agri. 1962. Donald Prior x R. arkansana
Book (2000) Page(s) 92-93. ‘Assiniboine’: Arbuste – rose intense/rouge moyen… en juin-juillet.. bouquets de 2 à 5 fleurs rouge pourpré, semi-doubles, portées sur des tiges peu rigides, suivies de quelques fleurs éparses, le restant de la saison… parfum léger. Arbuste dense, à port étalé, il résiste aussi vaillamment aux maladies qu’aux hivers canadiens. Son nom honore une tribu indienne et un parc de Winnipeg. Marshall, Canada, 1962. ‘Donald Prior’ x Rosa arkansana.
Article (magazine) (1992) Page(s) 1070 ff.. In HortScience (Oct. 1992) vol. 27: A parentage tree for Cuthbert Grant shows this breeding for Assiniboine: Donald Prior x R. arkansana --> Assiniboine.
Article (misc) (1985) Walter Schowalter notes : Assiniboine - hybrid arkansana. Grows 3-4 feet tall. Showy, semi-double bright red roses produced in mid-season. A mass of color. Reasonably hardy [zone 3] sets seed. Makes suckers, and is subject to rust, but anyone with space available should grow it.
Book (1968) Page(s) 147. Assiniboine Hybrid suffulta. medium red (H. H. Marshall; intro. Research Branch, Canada Dept. of Agriculture '62) Medium bud. Large to medium open blooms borne several together on normal, weak stems. Semi-double... Petals drop off cleanly. Slight fragrance. Abundant, glossy, normal green medium foliage. Reddish brown bark and twigs. Vigorous, abundant, intermittent blooming. Donald Prior x R. arkansana
Article (misc) (1955) Expermimental Farm, Morden Manitoba Progress Report 1955-1959
"A new rose variety, Assiniboine was developed and released. It was a first-generation seedling from Donald Prior x Rosa arkansana. It produces an ascending shrub 3 to 3.5 feet in height. Leaves usually have seven leaflets. Flowers, which form in corymbs or singly, are borne in July and occasionally throughout the summer. Flowers are moderately large, with 10 petals, and strong reddish-purple (10RP 3.5/10 Nickerson) in color, with yellow stamens and fertile pollen. Tips frequently winterkill but established plants flower freely, even when cut to the ground. The variety propagates well from softwood cuttings."