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'Dr. Hurta' rose References
Article (magazine)  (2011)  Page(s) 55-57.  Includes photo(s).
'Dr. Hurta', hybrid perpetual, 1867 - sport of 'Panachée d'Orléans'
'Dr. Hurta' is one of those roses which were only existant in Prof. Dr. Gianfranco Fineschi's Roseto Botanico de Cavriglia. She is the oldest of Rudolf Geschwind's still existing cultivars. ....[The authors cite descriptions from the Soupert & Notting catalogue of 1867]
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 451.  
Dr. Hurta (Geschwind, 1867) Sport 'Panachée d'Orléans' (HP). [The author cites from various sources]
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 356.  
Hurta, Dr. (HP) Geschwind 1867; vivid bright purple-pink, very large, double, flat, ..
Magazine  (1908)  Page(s) 401, 411.  
[From article "Kritische Übersicht der bekannten Fälle von Knospenvariation" (Critical overview of the known cases of bud variation) by Piter Johannes Samuel Cramer]
The bud variation with uniform red blooms, which originated at the var. Panachée d'Orléans, the var. Dr,. Hurta was also in other....
The bud variation Dr. Hurta is thus based partly on atavism (see par. 6,7 striped varieties).

p. 411: "In the year 1868 the striped variety suddenly produced three large bright red blooms on densely armed branches. This new variety, the var. Dr. Hurta was seen in further propagation to be very inconsistent (Wien. ill. Gart. 1893, p. 331. Beck v. Mannagetta after Geschwind, the breeder of the var. Dr. Hurta). Carrière also mentions about the var. Panachée d'Orléans, that she often partly...
Magazine  (1908)  Page(s) 133.  
Geschwinds first sorts were Premier essai 1866, Dr. Hurta 67, Aurelia Liffa (a macrantah-variety) 86, Forstmeister Heim 86, Fatinitza 86, Erinnerung an Brod 86, Erlkönig 86, Kleiner Postillon 86, Lios Alpha 86, Mercedes 86, Ännchen von Tharau 86, Loreley 87, Meteor 87, Mermaid 87, Schloss Lueg 87, Tartarus, Gilda 87, Virago 87, Esmeralda 88, Erinnerung an meine Mutter 88, Herzblättchen 89, Zigeunerblut 90, Elbfex 90, Anna Scharsach 90, Theano 94, Himmelsauge 95, Erinnerung an Schloss Scharfenstein 1902, Wenzel Geschwind 02, and
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 48.  
3.158. Doctor Hurta, Hybride Remontant, Geschwindt 1867 rose vif
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 113.  
Hybrides Remontants. Groupe C. — Géant des Batailles
Arbuste rustique, florifère et très remontant, à rameaux bruns, droits, aiguillons nombreux; feuillage petit, peu ample, très sujet à l'oïdium et aux maladies cryptogamiques, folioles assez rapprochées sur le pétiole commun; fleur en coupe, petite, rouge écarlate ou rouge très foncé; fruit petit, ovoïde, longuement atténué à la base.
3500. Docteur Hurta (Geschwindt 1868) rose purpre luisant
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 52.  
Doctor Hurta, HR, Geschw., 1868, pourpre
Magazine  (1895)  Page(s) 166.  
Meeting of March 18, 1895...Dr. G. v. Beck held his announced speech on "The interaction between scion and understock".
....On the rose "Panachée d'Orleans" Geschwind once found the rose "Dr. Hurta"
Magazine  (1895)  Page(s) 330-331.  
[From the article "Ueber die Wechselwirkung zwischen Edelreis und Unterlage" by Dr. Günther Ritter Beck v
Managetta, p. 325-335:]
e.g.the rose Panachée d'Orléans has almost unarmed branches, magnificent clusters of blooms with whitish flesh-coloured, purple-red striped blooms of medium size. Geschwind once found on her three large, bright purple-red blooms on densely prickled branches, the variety Dr. Hurta. The latter, grafted, showed itself however again very variable.
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