'Cascading White' rose References
Magazine (2002) Page(s) 34. Vol 96, Part 2.. Includes photo(s). Dickson Nurseries advertisement. New for 2002 Newly Wed (DICwhynot)
Magazine (2002) Page(s) 41. Vol 96, Part 2. Includes photo(s). Marilyn Stevens. Chelsea 2002 Dickson Nurseries of North Ireland presented three new varieties on the C & K Jones stand. Low-growing and compact 'Newly Wed' (shown above) is ideal for planting in a tub or hanging basket.. This patio rose has crystal white flowers with yellow stamens and will shortly become a truly international rose as it is to be introduced in France, New Zealand, USA and Chile.
Book (1997) Page(s) 135. Colin Horner, The 1996 Trial Ground Awards in Great Britain. DICwhynot (1544) Ground cover shrub; blush; bears clusters of many semi-double blooms; growth bushy and spreading, up to 2ft. Scent little. Unnamed seedling x 'The Fairy'. Dickson, Northern Ireland. Trial Ground Certificate.