'Atomic Blonde' rose References
Website/Catalog (14 Sep 2018) Includes photo(s). Atomic Blonde Parentage Playboy x Lagerfeld .....
Website/Catalog (2010) Includes photo(s). Bed No. 8 Award: Certificate of Merit Code: WEKplegneze Name: Atomic Blonde Category: Hybrid Tea Colour: High pointed white buds on single stems Fragrance: Slight Breeder: Tom Carruth (WEEKS USA) Exhibitor: Swane’s Nurseries Aust.
Book (2009) Page(s) 152. Swane's 2009 Release Descriptions. Atomic Blonde. WEKplagneze. . HT. Description....
Article (misc) (Aug 2002) Page(s) 32. WEKplagneze (Home and Family™) Hybrid Tea Tom Carruth, 2001; Weeks Roses, 2003 Parentage: ('Playboy' x 'Lagerfeld') x 'New Zealand' ... flowers pure white [w]... slight fragrance...